OK...a little over a week ago, I got caught in the rain/drizzle/mist on the way to my work's xmas party. we've had a LONG spat of crappy, rainy weather here. I got 3/4 of the way to my work (which is a 6-mile ride), and the bike started puttering and dying unless i revved it past 3,000RPM.
I figured at first, maybe i'm low on gas (my sensor is starting to crap out). stopped at the gas station, checked my fuel lines, put PLENTY of gas in, started it back up, and it was fine...until i tried to pull out of the gas station. it once again felt like it wasn't firing on all cylinders, so i had to park it and walk the last mile to work. got done there about 3 hours later (it was still misty and drizzling), and got it to my bud's house about a mile away with no problem.
the next day, it was a bit foggy,and i started riding home with ZERO problems. got about a mile and a half from my house, and the SAME DAMN THING happened again. it's home now of course, but this problem made it a TWO DAY PROCESS TO GET THIS THING HOME.
i've looked up the symptoms and solutions on here...there's a multitude of possibilities as to what it could be, so i started with what i'd been meaning to change out, and had them just waiting in my dresser to be put on: PLUG WIRES. maybe a wet connection?? ballast resistor wires?? NOPE.
JUST changed out my plugs and wires (the accel wires), started'er up, and all seemed fine...THEN, after a couple minutes of warming up, i blipped the throttle, and....SAME. FRIGGIN'. DEAL.
i'm about to do the spray test on the headers, and i also have my multimeter to check the CDI, electrical connections, etc.
here's some pics of the spark plugs...definitely strange. they DID NOT look like this when i changed them in september...they looked normal. also, my carbs were cleaned/rebuilt this summer, if some of your remember my debacle with those a few months ago. that makes me wonder what's happening here...super strange...
here's plugs for cylinder 1&2, left and right respectively (i see that cyl. 1 is WAY rich...):

here's 3&4...notice how 4 is REALLY clean, and 2/3 wore the same way?! COILS SHOT?!

one last thing: being that i occasionally have a SLIGHT gas leak out of the inlet of carb #1, is the float level off???
will report back in a few minutes!
I figured at first, maybe i'm low on gas (my sensor is starting to crap out). stopped at the gas station, checked my fuel lines, put PLENTY of gas in, started it back up, and it was fine...until i tried to pull out of the gas station. it once again felt like it wasn't firing on all cylinders, so i had to park it and walk the last mile to work. got done there about 3 hours later (it was still misty and drizzling), and got it to my bud's house about a mile away with no problem.
the next day, it was a bit foggy,and i started riding home with ZERO problems. got about a mile and a half from my house, and the SAME DAMN THING happened again. it's home now of course, but this problem made it a TWO DAY PROCESS TO GET THIS THING HOME.
i've looked up the symptoms and solutions on here...there's a multitude of possibilities as to what it could be, so i started with what i'd been meaning to change out, and had them just waiting in my dresser to be put on: PLUG WIRES. maybe a wet connection?? ballast resistor wires?? NOPE.
JUST changed out my plugs and wires (the accel wires), started'er up, and all seemed fine...THEN, after a couple minutes of warming up, i blipped the throttle, and....SAME. FRIGGIN'. DEAL.
i'm about to do the spray test on the headers, and i also have my multimeter to check the CDI, electrical connections, etc.
here's some pics of the spark plugs...definitely strange. they DID NOT look like this when i changed them in september...they looked normal. also, my carbs were cleaned/rebuilt this summer, if some of your remember my debacle with those a few months ago. that makes me wonder what's happening here...super strange...
here's plugs for cylinder 1&2, left and right respectively (i see that cyl. 1 is WAY rich...):

here's 3&4...notice how 4 is REALLY clean, and 2/3 wore the same way?! COILS SHOT?!

one last thing: being that i occasionally have a SLIGHT gas leak out of the inlet of carb #1, is the float level off???
will report back in a few minutes!