So I have been having a hell of a time trying to get these things synced because of the over drilled mixture screw pin hole on the third carb. Because of this she typically runs rich. I tried using the ear method of listening to it but I have two young kids that scream at each other a lot, and a wife that believes that I have very selective hearing. So after throwing a patch on the third one I still couldn't find the point where it went from being to lean to too rich.
As I was messing with it I tend to occasionally give it a little rap on the throttle when it seems like its going to die. That's where I noticed with the vacuum carb sync tool that even with them at level at idle that when I rap it quickly to 4-5 grand and letting off that they would never bounce up to the same height on the gauges. So I decided to adjust the mixture screw then rap it out again. And low and behold it moved from where it was before. I had one that was a little high, and the third one that was really low. So I adjusted a little at a time, rapping it up a little to watch the bounce.
Now the power has returned at cruising speed and coming off of idle and she sounds the best she has since I brought life back to her. I'm not sure how helpful this is, or how accurate this is at getting things properly tuned but it took ALL of the hesitation out of the bike at cruising speeds. I'm hoping that someone else can use this information to benefit them.
As I was messing with it I tend to occasionally give it a little rap on the throttle when it seems like its going to die. That's where I noticed with the vacuum carb sync tool that even with them at level at idle that when I rap it quickly to 4-5 grand and letting off that they would never bounce up to the same height on the gauges. So I decided to adjust the mixture screw then rap it out again. And low and behold it moved from where it was before. I had one that was a little high, and the third one that was really low. So I adjusted a little at a time, rapping it up a little to watch the bounce.
Now the power has returned at cruising speed and coming off of idle and she sounds the best she has since I brought life back to her. I'm not sure how helpful this is, or how accurate this is at getting things properly tuned but it took ALL of the hesitation out of the bike at cruising speeds. I'm hoping that someone else can use this information to benefit them.