Last night I did the timing chain tension adjustment and tried to start with full choke - started but quit after 5 seconds. Went to bed.... Tonight I thought I'd try it without choke so I gave it 2 throttles of gas and it popped right off... and stayed running for the first time in over 2 years!
I ran it for a few minutes, revved it a few times and held it there to clean out the cylinders, then shut it down and checked the plugs. Cylinders 1 & 2 are real hot. #3 wasn't firing before but is now. So is my best bet to adjust idle mixture screws to enrichen the 2 left carbs? What doesn't make sense to me is that it started and ran with no choke, which seems like it's rich, but the 2 left cylinders ran extremely hot.
Any ideas???
Thanks for everyone's comments through the last few weeks. I'm new to motorcycling and am very anxious to get this thing on the road. I never would have been able to get this far without the help from people on this site!!
At least now I know I've got something...
Tom B.

Any ideas???
Thanks for everyone's comments through the last few weeks. I'm new to motorcycling and am very anxious to get this thing on the road. I never would have been able to get this far without the help from people on this site!!
At least now I know I've got something...
Tom B.