Update time. Since the bike's off the road for the winter, I have had some time to fix a bunch of stuff and polish another bunch. I think I have dealt with the sticky shifter issue by adjusting the eccentric. Everything lines up now where it should.
My winter to do list:
Upgrade clutch springs to fix the slipping @ 6500+ (need to order springs)
Valve seals (maybe a whole top end refresh)
Wire rear wheel (need to get the parts turned)
New tires if the budget permits.
Refinish center and kick stand.
Polish fork bodies.
Re-spoke front wheel and polish rim and hub.
Recently done:
Fix pipes mounting.
Adjust shifter at eccentric.
Polish starter cover and clutch cover.
My favourite fix is the remounting of the spaghetti pipes. As jetmechmarty pointed out, the PO had mounted them on the outside of the mounts at the back so they sat really wide and interfered with the rear brake lever. The crossover pipes have been bent at some point so they don't slide together. I had to cut a section out of the pipes to get them to fit but they are now nice and tight. This has been driving me batty all year so I'm thrilled to get that done. The downside is now I will need the tire change cable (missing from the tool kit ) to change the rear tire. I might have to make one up. Can someone post a pic with dimensions? Of course now I have to fix the exhaust studs that I found loose.
More polishing since last time:
A nice shot from the summer before I fixed the pipes:
A man can dream, can't he?
My winter to do list:
Upgrade clutch springs to fix the slipping @ 6500+ (need to order springs)
Valve seals (maybe a whole top end refresh)
Wire rear wheel (need to get the parts turned)
New tires if the budget permits.
Refinish center and kick stand.
Polish fork bodies.
Re-spoke front wheel and polish rim and hub.
Recently done:
Fix pipes mounting.
Adjust shifter at eccentric.
Polish starter cover and clutch cover.
My favourite fix is the remounting of the spaghetti pipes. As jetmechmarty pointed out, the PO had mounted them on the outside of the mounts at the back so they sat really wide and interfered with the rear brake lever. The crossover pipes have been bent at some point so they don't slide together. I had to cut a section out of the pipes to get them to fit but they are now nice and tight. This has been driving me batty all year so I'm thrilled to get that done. The downside is now I will need the tire change cable (missing from the tool kit ) to change the rear tire. I might have to make one up. Can someone post a pic with dimensions? Of course now I have to fix the exhaust studs that I found loose.
More polishing since last time:
A nice shot from the summer before I fixed the pipes:
A man can dream, can't he?