Finally getting the XJ near completion. When I bought this bike it had no center stand.I found one (I forget were), cleaned up and installed it. Put it up on the center stand for the first time today and found something amiss. I know that one of you guys know the answer to this.
The stand rolls over center to far, taking it off the left foot and onto the foot pedal. Do I have the wrong stand? Are there different ones though the years?
I know one of you knows the answer.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo PICT0052_zps0df5b1ae.jpg"/></a>
The stand rolls over center to far, taking it off the left foot and onto the foot pedal. Do I have the wrong stand? Are there different ones though the years?
I know one of you knows the answer.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo PICT0052_zps0df5b1ae.jpg"/></a>