Hey Howard,
I think Ras was being a little sarcastic toward your followup comments.

The stock CCT had a specific travel limit, and when that limit has been reached, the FSM states that it's time to change the cam chain because of the extent of the stretch that has occured to the chain. We have noted that the newer ACCT's have a longer travel and can maintain tension on a chain to a larger extent allowing the chain to stretch even farther than original design spec wear limits. This extra stretch can possibly make the chain more susceptible to total failure/breakage. ALSO being stretched also puts the cams more out of time with the pistons and such, so performance can also be diminished....even though the chain itself is actually QUIET!
SO...this is why I think Ras was "razzing" you a bit because you seemed to not be heeding the advice about replacing the chain that was given due to the evidence of the oem CCT possibly being at the end of it's limit, and therefore the chain as well!? YMMV! Enjoy the quiet....just hope it doesn't end in a big bang later.
I think Ras was being a little sarcastic toward your followup comments.

The stock CCT had a specific travel limit, and when that limit has been reached, the FSM states that it's time to change the cam chain because of the extent of the stretch that has occured to the chain. We have noted that the newer ACCT's have a longer travel and can maintain tension on a chain to a larger extent allowing the chain to stretch even farther than original design spec wear limits. This extra stretch can possibly make the chain more susceptible to total failure/breakage. ALSO being stretched also puts the cams more out of time with the pistons and such, so performance can also be diminished....even though the chain itself is actually QUIET!
SO...this is why I think Ras was "razzing" you a bit because you seemed to not be heeding the advice about replacing the chain that was given due to the evidence of the oem CCT possibly being at the end of it's limit, and therefore the chain as well!? YMMV! Enjoy the quiet....just hope it doesn't end in a big bang later.
