I traded a Honda CBR for my XS11 a couple of Summers ago and have spent the last 2 years (in what little spare time I have) undoing all the idiotic stuff the previous owner did wrong to the bike. Anyways, I won't list all those things but let's just say that my XS11, which was supposed to be "ready to ride" and "basically restored" has taken about $700 in parts and hours and hours of my labor and it's still nothing special.
Anyways, as long as I've owned it I thought "boy this thing sure is heavy, it's hard to even back up or even to push forward." Coming from a 600cc sport bike I was sure that was why. And because of all the work I've been doing to get the bike road worthy I probably didn't ride more than 15-20 min at a time until this year. But I was riding last week and after an hour long ride or so I was parking and noticed it felt like the bike was just rolling so much better as I came to a step... like being in neutral and rolling to a stop versus being in 1st revved up where the gearing will hold you back. When I stopped I was able to push the bike around with easy and it finally hit me -- the brakes were dragging. Finally figured out it was the front and pulled the calipers off. The pics below show what I saw:

This is one side of the front. The other is the same way. I'm pretty sure the pads aren't supposed to be angled like that but I don't know what the problem would be. Is it a wheel spacing issue or the wrong pads or what? And obviously I didn't put the pads on, the previous owner did, and I'm sure he screwed it up by putting something on backwards or by leaving a part off. But I would've thought if it was going to wear at that much of an angle it wouldn't have even went together properly in the first place.
Here is the bolt I pulled from the caliper, with the spacers and stuff in the order that they were on the bolt:
Anyways, as long as I've owned it I thought "boy this thing sure is heavy, it's hard to even back up or even to push forward." Coming from a 600cc sport bike I was sure that was why. And because of all the work I've been doing to get the bike road worthy I probably didn't ride more than 15-20 min at a time until this year. But I was riding last week and after an hour long ride or so I was parking and noticed it felt like the bike was just rolling so much better as I came to a step... like being in neutral and rolling to a stop versus being in 1st revved up where the gearing will hold you back. When I stopped I was able to push the bike around with easy and it finally hit me -- the brakes were dragging. Finally figured out it was the front and pulled the calipers off. The pics below show what I saw:

This is one side of the front. The other is the same way. I'm pretty sure the pads aren't supposed to be angled like that but I don't know what the problem would be. Is it a wheel spacing issue or the wrong pads or what? And obviously I didn't put the pads on, the previous owner did, and I'm sure he screwed it up by putting something on backwards or by leaving a part off. But I would've thought if it was going to wear at that much of an angle it wouldn't have even went together properly in the first place.
Here is the bolt I pulled from the caliper, with the spacers and stuff in the order that they were on the bolt:
