i (mostly t.c. i helped) was able to get alot of stuff done to my bike to get her ready for a heavy riding season. i am planning a few long trips this summer and decided to fix the bike up some with some much needed tlc. me and t.c. (topcat) started on my bike saturday at around 9am and didnt finish till around 8pm. the main thing we were doing was the tranny fix (my first gear was slipping). i had bought an extra transmission on ebay for $25 so that t.c. could dremel them ahead of time so that it would make the fix go alot quicker since the bike is my daily driver. and since we were in there i decided to get some new clutch springs and change them as well, and i had gotten two new tires and t.c. had offered to show me how to change them while we were at it. we got alot done on saturday. here is the list of what we got done
1.changed the old gears out with the new dremeled gears. t.c. had also moved the washers, and we had a pita of a time getting the gears in with the washers moved, but eventualy dropped into place.
2.had to fix a stripped oil drain plug
3.replaced my clutch friction plates with an extra set T.C. had since mine were under spec.
4.deglazed the steels (which were not to bad)
5.replace the clutch springs (mine were out of spec)
6.installed one of t.c.'s sofa (spin-on oil filter adapter) and new oil filter
7.had to modify my final drive filler bolt (i had added a new car drain plug and you couldnt get a wrench on it to remove)
8.remove and install new tires on both front and back
9.put every thing back together with new yamahabond gaskets (love the stuff)
that was saturday, and today all we had to do was to put the battery back, reinstall seat, put carbs back on, and put all fluids. and get her running and take it for a test drive. once everything was back together we did a compression test since i haddnt done one since i got the bike. all were around 140 except for no.2 which was at 30 (engine cold). so we then took her for a test ride and checked the compression again and they were all about the same around 140. the bike rides like a new bike and i couldnt have done any of this without this site and especially T.C., and for those of you that have met t.c. and know him here is a pic of him riding the hardtail beast i call my bike on the test ride.

i am sure i have forgotten a few things that we got done on the bike but i think we got alot done.
1.changed the old gears out with the new dremeled gears. t.c. had also moved the washers, and we had a pita of a time getting the gears in with the washers moved, but eventualy dropped into place.
2.had to fix a stripped oil drain plug
3.replaced my clutch friction plates with an extra set T.C. had since mine were under spec.
4.deglazed the steels (which were not to bad)
5.replace the clutch springs (mine were out of spec)
6.installed one of t.c.'s sofa (spin-on oil filter adapter) and new oil filter
7.had to modify my final drive filler bolt (i had added a new car drain plug and you couldnt get a wrench on it to remove)
8.remove and install new tires on both front and back
9.put every thing back together with new yamahabond gaskets (love the stuff)
that was saturday, and today all we had to do was to put the battery back, reinstall seat, put carbs back on, and put all fluids. and get her running and take it for a test drive. once everything was back together we did a compression test since i haddnt done one since i got the bike. all were around 140 except for no.2 which was at 30 (engine cold). so we then took her for a test ride and checked the compression again and they were all about the same around 140. the bike rides like a new bike and i couldnt have done any of this without this site and especially T.C., and for those of you that have met t.c. and know him here is a pic of him riding the hardtail beast i call my bike on the test ride.

i am sure i have forgotten a few things that we got done on the bike but i think we got alot done.