She lives !!!
Friday I went to put the tank on and some gas in it, and wouldn't you know it, the petcocks leaked! So I took them off the tank and noticed the PO hadn't stripped all the paint off the seating surface where the o-ring sits, so I cleaned that all up and back together.
I was still waiting for the Spark plug caps, so with the G down, I 'borrowed' those caps and got the electrical finished.
Put the tank on and damn if one of the float valves got stuck and gas started coming out of the air box.
Took the carbs off and saw it was #3, so I check the float valve and the little spring keeper had rotated so it was hanging up the valve.
See my other thread about the pilot jets and my little experiment.
Put it all together and she fired right up on 1/2 choke on the first crank.!
Got her sync'd and read to ride.
The front tire was way low so I got her to the end of the driveway to use my little car compressor to fill it up and the tire came off the bead.
I pulled the wheel off so I can go get someone with a bigger compressor to fill it up.
She is so ready to ride.
Friday I went to put the tank on and some gas in it, and wouldn't you know it, the petcocks leaked! So I took them off the tank and noticed the PO hadn't stripped all the paint off the seating surface where the o-ring sits, so I cleaned that all up and back together.
I was still waiting for the Spark plug caps, so with the G down, I 'borrowed' those caps and got the electrical finished.
Put the tank on and damn if one of the float valves got stuck and gas started coming out of the air box.

Took the carbs off and saw it was #3, so I check the float valve and the little spring keeper had rotated so it was hanging up the valve.
See my other thread about the pilot jets and my little experiment.
Put it all together and she fired right up on 1/2 choke on the first crank.!

Got her sync'd and read to ride.
The front tire was way low so I got her to the end of the driveway to use my little car compressor to fill it up and the tire came off the bead.

I pulled the wheel off so I can go get someone with a bigger compressor to fill it up.
She is so ready to ride.