I have been trying to figure out a high RPM problem, among others. I keep thinking I have the Beast zeroed in, get her started, then she revs at 2k and attempts at getting that down or synching are for naught.
As I tried different things to even her out and get her RPMs down, only to have her rev back up and be out of sych. I use the four-dial vacuum hose attachments to synch. I noticed that one of them went to zero when I turned the small air screw on the hose to control the needle vibration. It should just get stuck at whatever the vacuum level is, not go to zero. Closer inspection:

The screw was cracked on the engine side, so that I introduced a vacuum leak, hence the high revs. Also, can you guess which carb it was on, screwing up any other settings? Number 3? You are a winner.
The things I've done to this bike over a 27 cent part....
As I tried different things to even her out and get her RPMs down, only to have her rev back up and be out of sych. I use the four-dial vacuum hose attachments to synch. I noticed that one of them went to zero when I turned the small air screw on the hose to control the needle vibration. It should just get stuck at whatever the vacuum level is, not go to zero. Closer inspection:

The screw was cracked on the engine side, so that I introduced a vacuum leak, hence the high revs. Also, can you guess which carb it was on, screwing up any other settings? Number 3? You are a winner.
The things I've done to this bike over a 27 cent part....