well i think i got the Pict thing figured out.

took her out for the first real ride today. went about 320 miles ran fairly well, not use to rideing without windshield neck is tired from helmet trying to pull my head off. avrg. 35 mpg in the woods/back roads and 40 on the flat hwy doing 55-65 most of the time. writing my wish list starting with windshield and lugage rack. now that its running going to start cleaning it up. will check in later thanks

took her out for the first real ride today. went about 320 miles ran fairly well, not use to rideing without windshield neck is tired from helmet trying to pull my head off. avrg. 35 mpg in the woods/back roads and 40 on the flat hwy doing 55-65 most of the time. writing my wish list starting with windshield and lugage rack. now that its running going to start cleaning it up. will check in later thanks
** Almost had the photos right, need to select the last link that shows in the list of 4 on photobucket, you want the IMG tagged one, not the web page URL one.**T.C.