My dad really wants a harley but who can aford one? He currently has an XJ750 and i have found him a 79SF for trade.
Hes not as excited about it as i am. He wants a windshild and bags like a harley. I personaly dont like the look of the vetter front end, but i do have one if he wants to use it.
My question is does any one has a batwing on the front of there bikes? Can you post pics and where did you get it? Thanks, Greg
Hes not as excited about it as i am. He wants a windshild and bags like a harley. I personaly dont like the look of the vetter front end, but i do have one if he wants to use it.
My question is does any one has a batwing on the front of there bikes? Can you post pics and where did you get it? Thanks, Greg