Thanks everyone for the help. I will have the carbs back off today HOPEFUllY (between church) and take some pics. I did some research last year and thought that the carbs were original. I thought it said the 80 xs special had the plastic floats and did not have the rubber plug in the pilot jet but with the pics I post you can tell me for sure(since I usually don't know what i am talking about)
DGXSER-to your questions. I removed and cleaned the jets with the bread wire like the forum suggest and cleaned every orifice I could see and get to. I replaced the O-rings but did Not replace the float neddle valve or the seat. Were can I get them? Also to your Q's "As to the idle (You do know about the choke/enrichment, yes? You did clean out the enrichment jets in the bowls, yes?" I am not sure were that is exactly but like I said I removed everything and gave it a good cleaning.
Since yesterday the carbs leaked very little and a few taps with the screwdriver staightened it right up. I left the petcocks on all night and no leak. Yeah.
I put seafoam in the gas tank and put some in the crank case oil. After doing that the bike did not smoke nearly as bad from the exhaust pipe or were it connects to the cylander. But it smoked a lot from the breather hose. Not sure what that means? Was going to try and fog the carbs like the form suggest but can not find the seafoam creep stuff anywhere in our area.
Just an update so far. The carbs are not leaking now the bike cranks and idles low for a couple minutes while I tweek the throttle to keep it running. then it picks up and idles high for about 5 to 10 minutes then idles way back down and wants to die again. And it seems to be running rough.
Thanks again for the help I will post pics of the carbs and we can start over. Hopefully with some better results.

DGXSER-to your questions. I removed and cleaned the jets with the bread wire like the forum suggest and cleaned every orifice I could see and get to. I replaced the O-rings but did Not replace the float neddle valve or the seat. Were can I get them? Also to your Q's "As to the idle (You do know about the choke/enrichment, yes? You did clean out the enrichment jets in the bowls, yes?" I am not sure were that is exactly but like I said I removed everything and gave it a good cleaning.
Since yesterday the carbs leaked very little and a few taps with the screwdriver staightened it right up. I left the petcocks on all night and no leak. Yeah.
I put seafoam in the gas tank and put some in the crank case oil. After doing that the bike did not smoke nearly as bad from the exhaust pipe or were it connects to the cylander. But it smoked a lot from the breather hose. Not sure what that means? Was going to try and fog the carbs like the form suggest but can not find the seafoam creep stuff anywhere in our area.
Just an update so far. The carbs are not leaking now the bike cranks and idles low for a couple minutes while I tweek the throttle to keep it running. then it picks up and idles high for about 5 to 10 minutes then idles way back down and wants to die again. And it seems to be running rough.
Thanks again for the help I will post pics of the carbs and we can start over. Hopefully with some better results.