Hey guys looking for a little help on a compression issue. First off I have had the bike running last year but it never ran right. Got it back out and went to working agian. Thought I would start with a compression test. I did not do the compression with the throttle open so I know I got some low readings. For the most part the bike has good compression. It will push ur finger off each cylander. Now the problem. On the compression test they all read about 90 except for the #1 cylander. It would just jump to 30 and 60 and the needle would fall immediatly back down. What does this mean? the other help the pressure. Also all 4 spark plugs were really black on the ends but I know when the bike was running that I kept having problems with the carbs leaking fuel so I figured it was because it was running rich. Any help is greatly appreciated. Going to try and look it over again tommorow. Thanks
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Compression problem
Originally posted by B.B. View Post... On the compression test they all read about 90 except for the #1 cylander. It would just jump to 30 and 60 and the needle would fall immediatly back down. What does this mean?...
IDK what kind of pressure tester you are using but all the normal ones I've ever used have a check valve in them to tell you what the maximum compression was and it holds it there... Make sure your battery is healthy, use WOT, and crank it over until the compression gauge stops increasing... You must have a leak or bad gauge because I dont think it will run with 60 psi compression, if it does then it would be really poor! Also, remove the other 3 spark plugs so your starter doesn't work as hard...Last edited by WMarshy; 07-21-2012, 03:58 AM.'79 XS11 F
Stock except K&N
'79 XS11 SF
Stock, no title.
'84 Chevy K-10 "Big Blue"
GM 350, Muncie SM465, NP208, GM 10 Bolt with 3.42gears turnin 31x10.5 Baja Claws
"What they do have is an implacable, unrelenting presence and movement that bespeaks massive power lurking behind paint and chrome. They don't wail like a screeching ninja, the don't rumble like a harley. They just growl like a spactic, stressed out badger waiting to rip your face off and eat your soul." Trainzz~RIP~
Remove all plugs from cylinders. First spray some carb cleaner into each cylinder and crank it over several turns to clean or clear any minor rust from cylinders. This can also fog up and clean some valve steems. Let the bike set for a bit to evaporate the carb cleaner out. Make sure the throttle is open and do the test on all cylinders and make sure it spins quick and several times. After that test make sure the bike is level and spray some light oil in each cylinder and redo the test. The light oil will fill recesses in the rings and increase compresssion if they are worn. If the compression does not go up with the oil then your issue with low compression is valves. The problem is not always damage to valves in a bike that has been setting. One valve is always open in these engines and many times after setting can develop a little rust causing the valve to stick open. If you have poor compression after the test pull the valve cover check timming and check the valve shims to make sure there is clearance (valve Adjustment). If all that looks good you will need to remove the head to see what the problem is. Hope this helps.To fix the problem one should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed.
1980 G Silverbird
Original Yamaha Fairfing and Bags
1198 Overbore kit
Grizzly 660 ACCT
Barnett Clutch Springs
R1 Clutch Fiber Plates
122.5 Main Jets
Mac 4-2 Flare Tips
Antivibe Bar ends
Rear trunk add-on
If I might ask, why are you doing a compression check on a cold motor that has been sitting for a long time? Will the motor start and if yes, get it heated up well before you do a comppresison check and you might find your readings are right where they are supposed to be. Testing compression on a cold motor is always hit and miss at best.
If after a hot check your compression is still off on your #1 then a leak down test is in order. That can tell you if it is the intake or exhaust valve, rings or a leak at the head gasket.Mike Giroir
79 XS-1100 Special
Once you un-can a can of worms, the only way to re-can them is with a bigger can.
Thanks guys for the input. I had removed all the spark plugs and used a few drops of transmission fluid in each cylander waited a bit and blew them out, then checked compression. they spun over quickly and like I shared it would blow your finger off the hole. The bike will fire up using a little ether in the air intake but dies in a few seconds and runs rough. It ran real rough last year and seemed to miss. So this year to start I decided to check compression, I know the readings were low probably because the motor was cold and I didnt hold the throttle open, but my main concern was cylander #1 that would not hold the pressure. The gauge worked fine on the other 3 cylanders but would just bounce on the #1 cylander. What would you guys do next?
Last year I road a total of 10 miles off and on and it kept leaking fuel I would pull the carbs clean them and it would stop. then I would take it down the road and it would start agian. Just trying some different things this year. Any more suggestions would be great. Thanks guys.Brian
1980 xs1100 Special - Work in progress
First off, if your carbs are leaking then you need to clean them again and inspect the float needles and seats and replace if needed. If you have late model carbs then also replace the o-ring on the seat.
Then, check your valve clearances and just if necessary.
Then, sync and adjust carbs.
Then, ride it.Nathan
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
got a new issue
Thanks for the help guys now I got a new issue. I went ahead and put the bike back together and pulled the carbs and cleaned them again.
The bike is running after you open up the throttle to get it to crank.Thats the good news.
Now the issues im having- And Yes I have looked at many of the other threads.
1st- The Carbs - I take them off and clean them put them on and open the petcocks and it does great (no leaks) but after I crank the bike and run it for a few minutes and then turn the bike off some times they leak so I tap with screwdriver and it helps some of the time. Ok my Q's. What else do I need to replace or should I get new carbs? Last year I replaced the jets and o-rings and releveled the floats. the floats looked good and seemed to move freely.
2nd- Blue/white smoke - the left exhaust pipe smokes bad. I know that after it has sit since last year that it would smoke but for how long? It is also smoking where the pipe goen into the #1 cylander? And its smoking from the hose that goes from the back of the oil pan up to ur breather?
3rd- the idle - you have to open the throttle all the way to get the bike to crank and then it idles right down(today is the first day to start it) after it ran for a few it seconds it wanted to die. It idled way down and I would have to tweek the throttle a little to keep it running. after about 2 or 3 minutes the bike picked up idle and started idling fast. the rpm gauge is broke but I would say it was around 2500rpms. I would rev the bike up and it would go back to that idle and stayed that way for about 5 minutes before I turned it off and posted this thread. It was smoking really bad by that time.
Any suggestions on what to do next?
I even took a short 30 sec. video of what it was doing and sounded like but not sure how to post it. Its really loud since the bike was idling so high.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for taking the time to read. this is my first bike and bought it last year as it was suppose to just need a throttle cable. I don't mind doing the work just not that up on mechanics.Brian
1980 xs1100 Special - Work in progress
We gotta get a baseline here before we really get going.
What carbs do you have (early, late, in-between hybrid carbs)? What jets do you have in the carbs? What did you set the floats to? Are the floats brass or plastic? Exhaust (stock, aftermarket (what kind))? Have you synced the carbs? What work all have you done to the bike?Nathan
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
What carbs do you have (early, late, in-between hybrid carbs)? What jets do you have in the carbs? What did you set the floats to? Are the floats brass or plastic? Exhaust (stock, aftermarket (what kind))? Have you synced the carbs? What work all have you done to the bike?
Ok so I bought the bike last year from a guy who said it was his dads that got it new in 80. He had not ridden the bike in about a year since the throttle cable broke. To your q's.
-the carbs seem to be old; I did not replace the jets(sorry I know I said I did) but I cleaned them; I replaced the O-rings. I guess the jets are the same as well. The floats are plastic and set them to the hieght stated on the forum just the way the forum said to do it. Exhaust is factory as well.
The work I did last year.
-put starter button in, it was missing
-put new throttle cable
-cleaned the carbs about 20 times - replacing the o-rings, adjusting the hieght of the floats and fixing float arm on #4, adjusted mixture screw to 1 3/4 turns. synched the carbs.
-re-built the petcocks.
-removed rust from tank
-put new spark plugs in
-put new fuel lines in with fuel filters
-new oil filter and oil change
-new gear oil
-rebuilt front brake master cylander
-bought fuse box that was suggested on here and replaced the fuse box and fuses
-put in new K&N air filter
-put new battery on
Not sure what else but that was a pretty good start. I rode the bike about 10miles all of last year and it kept running rough and leaking fuel.
But I am back at it this year and hopefully with all of your help I will have it up and running.Brian
1980 xs1100 Special - Work in progress
Ok, first we are going to focus on your carbs and get through that.
You are going to have to pull them again. Verify for sure what carbs you have, cause if you have the hybrid carbs you NEED the rubber plug in the pilot jet tunnel. Good pictures will help. Since you have the plastic floats you need to use the float height of 23mm +/-1mm.
There is something wring with your float and/or float needle/seats. You probably need new needles at least, the viton tip often gets a groove in it and won't seal well.Nathan
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Originally posted by WMarshy View PostIt just means the intake or exhaust valve is open and the cylinder isnt holding any pressure... does your tester have a check valve in it?
IDK what kind of pressure tester you are using but all the normal ones I've ever used have a check valve in them to tell you what the maximum compression was and it holds it there... Make sure your battery is healthy, use WOT, and crank it over until the compression gauge stops increasing... You must have a leak or bad gauge because I dont think it will run with 60 psi compression, if it does then it would be really poor! Also, remove the other 3 spark plugs so your starter doesn't work as hard...Last edited by WSL91; 07-21-2012, 07:56 PM.1970? Honda Z50... gone
1974? Yamaha 100 Enduro... gone
1974 Honda CB200... gone
1981 Yamaha Virago 750... gone
1993 Honda Shadow 1100... gone
2008 Honda VTX 1800F
1982 Yamaha XJ1100J w/850 final, Raptor ACCT
1979 Yamaha XS1100SF "Chewey" Raptor ACCT
Rings can clean up and reseat. He can get it to run right now, let's focus on that! We will redo the compression later.Nathan
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Originally posted by natemoen View PostRings can clean up and reseat. He can get it to run right now, let's focus on that! We will redo the compression later.2-79 XS1100 SF
2-78 XS1100 E Best bike Ever
80 XS 1100 SG Big bore kit but not fully running yet.
Couple of more parts bikes of which 2 more will live!
I think he is just saying the carbs are original to the bike, not new. Reality is they do not sell them new anyway (not at a price less than two bikes anyway). You keep telling us you cleaned the carbs, and the floats are leaking. You replaced the o-ring, but did you replace the float needle valve and seat? Those are the parts that cause the leaks. When I work on a set of carbs I always replace the float valves and seats.
The blue white smoke may well be a result of your leaking float valves. If your getting raw fuel into the cylinder and it i s getting pushed through the cylinder into the exhaust, that fuel will burn off and smoke int he exhaust even after you turn the bike off. If a cylinder or two is getting way to rich you will get that smoke.
As to the idle (You do know about the choke/enrichment, yes? You did clean out the enrichment jets in the bowls, yes? These bikes need the extra fuel to start and run right till warmed up even in 90 degree weather when first started. FI your not getting the proper feed from the enrichment circuit, will need fuel to start and try to run. If your saying the idel goes low and then climbs after the bike is running and warmed up, that will be solved by a good carb synch when you have the other issues corrected.Life is what happens while your planning everything else!
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection
Previously owned
93 GSX600F
80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
81 XS1100 Special
81 CB750 C
80 CB750 C
78 XS750