As others hav stated, the valve train on this beast is noisy. I doubt that top end noise is related to your current situation.
One of the lures of this bike is that it is alot of CCs and HP for not alot of money, So many buy the old big bike for cheap, and find out there is more than one reason it was left to sit in someones barn, field, yard for years. And it does get a little discouraging when every time you think you got it ready to rock, another issue reveals itself.
Now for the good news, the parts on these bikes are not realtively expensive. Go to fleabay and you can easily find a FD for less than $50. The Middle drive is going for a bit more, but there is one for $50 right now. Now if it is the tranny, that will take a little more work for sure, and more money, right now the going rate is about $100 for the full set of tranny gears on the bay.
First thign first though, use the info here to figure out what the problem is. As to being a noob, no worries. With all the smart folks on here, its like having a master emchanic looking over your shoulder and guiding you through the work. Whatever you get into with it, use the manual and the tech tips on here, if your not sure or have a question come on here and ask it. Some might give you crap about looking it up in the manual or something but you will get the info you need. Rather see you ask what may seem like a stupid question, than cause yourself hours of torture over doing something wrong..
One of the lures of this bike is that it is alot of CCs and HP for not alot of money, So many buy the old big bike for cheap, and find out there is more than one reason it was left to sit in someones barn, field, yard for years. And it does get a little discouraging when every time you think you got it ready to rock, another issue reveals itself.
Now for the good news, the parts on these bikes are not realtively expensive. Go to fleabay and you can easily find a FD for less than $50. The Middle drive is going for a bit more, but there is one for $50 right now. Now if it is the tranny, that will take a little more work for sure, and more money, right now the going rate is about $100 for the full set of tranny gears on the bay.
First thign first though, use the info here to figure out what the problem is. As to being a noob, no worries. With all the smart folks on here, its like having a master emchanic looking over your shoulder and guiding you through the work. Whatever you get into with it, use the manual and the tech tips on here, if your not sure or have a question come on here and ask it. Some might give you crap about looking it up in the manual or something but you will get the info you need. Rather see you ask what may seem like a stupid question, than cause yourself hours of torture over doing something wrong..