It would seem that there have been a few XJ1100's change hands in the last few weeks. We just purchased this bike for my wife a couple of weeks ago (we though that her XJ750 was she has two bikes )
The P.O. had made some modifications well it was not that bad. He took the stock handle bars and cut them so that they are more like clubman bars and purposely put dents in the tank to handle the lower bars. He added a SHOEI faring and a nose scoop
Here are a few pictures;
I rebuilt the linked brake system, put some fuel in the tank (it’s a little rusted I will need to clean and coat it) and put an older battery in it. The bike had sat for two years so I was not expecting fired right up. Put a good tire on the front and took it for a short test ride. Has a little stumble in the lower rpm's (#2 cylinder is not firing when idling) but after 2500 rpm’s the bike leaps into action.
Cosmetically the bike needs some help. The pipes are all banged up (laded down several times) Needs a new seat and I will need to do the second gear fix. Over all not too bad of condition (but I do not like the shorter handle bars they will be swapped out).
The P.O. had made some modifications well it was not that bad. He took the stock handle bars and cut them so that they are more like clubman bars and purposely put dents in the tank to handle the lower bars. He added a SHOEI faring and a nose scoop
Here are a few pictures;
I rebuilt the linked brake system, put some fuel in the tank (it’s a little rusted I will need to clean and coat it) and put an older battery in it. The bike had sat for two years so I was not expecting fired right up. Put a good tire on the front and took it for a short test ride. Has a little stumble in the lower rpm's (#2 cylinder is not firing when idling) but after 2500 rpm’s the bike leaps into action.
Cosmetically the bike needs some help. The pipes are all banged up (laded down several times) Needs a new seat and I will need to do the second gear fix. Over all not too bad of condition (but I do not like the shorter handle bars they will be swapped out).