Question: Ever heard of anyone using Sumitomo Brake Pads for the Front Brakes on a 78' XS1100 E??
PO or somebody had put in Sumitomo A8K A21 66 in both front brake calipers. Could be maybe Sumitomo ASK A21 GG since it is a bit hard to see. Looks to me to be Auto Brakes and Google search doesn't give me much info.
PO had Bleed Screws loose but brakes still really ON..... It is difficult to move the bike around the garage with the brakes stuck. Rotor is centered in the Caliper on the right side, but Left rotor is dragging/scraping on the outboard side of the left Caliper body. What I'm seeing makes no sense.
Nothing looks bent or misaligned. Both Rotors are OK and would be all ripped up if the bike was actually ridden this way. Bleed screw on right was already loose so I removed the Bolts holding on the Calipers. Even with the bolts off and no pressure on the line the brake pads it still has a major bite on the brake rotor.
I ordered XS1100E Master Cylinder rebuild Kit and Caliper rebuild Kits today so I plan to get to the bottom of the puzzle. Maybe the Sumitomo A21's worked for a while then after they wore down a bit a retainer may have jumped or bent. Just wondering if anyone has any experience or info about the Sumitomo pads.
Thanks, Jeff
PO or somebody had put in Sumitomo A8K A21 66 in both front brake calipers. Could be maybe Sumitomo ASK A21 GG since it is a bit hard to see. Looks to me to be Auto Brakes and Google search doesn't give me much info.
PO had Bleed Screws loose but brakes still really ON..... It is difficult to move the bike around the garage with the brakes stuck. Rotor is centered in the Caliper on the right side, but Left rotor is dragging/scraping on the outboard side of the left Caliper body. What I'm seeing makes no sense.
Nothing looks bent or misaligned. Both Rotors are OK and would be all ripped up if the bike was actually ridden this way. Bleed screw on right was already loose so I removed the Bolts holding on the Calipers. Even with the bolts off and no pressure on the line the brake pads it still has a major bite on the brake rotor.
I ordered XS1100E Master Cylinder rebuild Kit and Caliper rebuild Kits today so I plan to get to the bottom of the puzzle. Maybe the Sumitomo A21's worked for a while then after they wore down a bit a retainer may have jumped or bent. Just wondering if anyone has any experience or info about the Sumitomo pads.
Thanks, Jeff