Well, an interesting day. Got the carbs and airbox installed. Changed the lube in the middle drive. Then did one of the dumb things I have read warnings about. I removed the final drive drain plug before being sure I could open the filler. I just got too excited.
For two days I had sprayed the plugs with penetrating oil. Now Phil's idea of using vice grips helped me get the middle drive open, but there is not enough showing to get a grip on the final drive filler plug. I also tried heat, heat and ice, vice grips on the hex key and a chisle on the left side of the plug. All I ended up with was a flat side on the plug from the chisle. I guess my next attempt will be cutting off the other side of the plug to fit an open end wrench.
After I change the oil, I will finally try to start it again.
For two days I had sprayed the plugs with penetrating oil. Now Phil's idea of using vice grips helped me get the middle drive open, but there is not enough showing to get a grip on the final drive filler plug. I also tried heat, heat and ice, vice grips on the hex key and a chisle on the left side of the plug. All I ended up with was a flat side on the plug from the chisle. I guess my next attempt will be cutting off the other side of the plug to fit an open end wrench.
After I change the oil, I will finally try to start it again.