It lives
Well, I finally got to hit the start button. After about 5 seconds it roared to life. Unfortunately, I must not have done a good job on the bench sync. I must have had an industrial strength bread tie wire. It reved up to 5-6000 and stayed there. I shut it down and fiddled with the adjustments and it started right up again. I adjusted around and got it to slow down to about 1500, but it is just not right. I am going to pull the carbs and go through the bench sync process again and see if I can do it better. Then it will at least be running enough to sync when my CarbTune comes in.
Happy days are here again.
Thanks for your patience. You have all been a great help.
Well, I finally got to hit the start button. After about 5 seconds it roared to life. Unfortunately, I must not have done a good job on the bench sync. I must have had an industrial strength bread tie wire. It reved up to 5-6000 and stayed there. I shut it down and fiddled with the adjustments and it started right up again. I adjusted around and got it to slow down to about 1500, but it is just not right. I am going to pull the carbs and go through the bench sync process again and see if I can do it better. Then it will at least be running enough to sync when my CarbTune comes in.
Happy days are here again.
Thanks for your patience. You have all been a great help.