My bike is back together after about 2 1/2 weeks of doing maintenance that should have been done long ago, getting rid of stuff that wssn't supposed to be and basically making it as close to factory as I could get it. Yesteray was a warm day (about 40) so I really went after it, got the new shims in, the cam chain in and everything such as the carbs, air cleaner, etc bak where they belong. If I ever meet the engineer who did the intake, my boot is up his, well you know! I'd do pods but I really wanted it to be stock. I have yet to start it but I may have to move the cams a click as the dots were both just a bit off and it looked like moving the cams one pin on the chain would make it exactly right on. I was just too tired yesterday. I got a oil filtet from Old Bike Barn ( it was an EMGO) and I noticed the rubber gromets in the filter had holes that were too small to let the bolt through so I had to do a little cutting on them to get the bolt through. They just weren't right although they fit in the oil filter area just fine. Heres a few pics of the bike.