When I purchased this bike the cap and diaphragm were off of the front MC. I just finished rebuilding the MC and I used this method to fill the system with brake fluid:
I had already bled the MC by working the brake lever and opening and closing banjo bolt hole with my finger. I had the pressure build up high enough that I could squirt fluid across the garage. I then filled the lines from the bottom up, bolted the brake line to the MC with the banjo bowl.
I can pump the lever seemingly forever and I cannot get the pressure build up What should I try next?
T I A David
I had already bled the MC by working the brake lever and opening and closing banjo bolt hole with my finger. I had the pressure build up high enough that I could squirt fluid across the garage. I then filled the lines from the bottom up, bolted the brake line to the MC with the banjo bowl.
I can pump the lever seemingly forever and I cannot get the pressure build up What should I try next?
T I A David