So the other day I noticed a Windjammer fairing off an 80 XS1100 on craigslist in Minnetonka (where I got my bike from). So I figured I would compare numbers with the PO I got my bike from. Sure enough they were the same. So I inquired as to why it didn't come with it. He said it was sold as-is. I said well that kinda sucks considering it should have come with it as-was. He said he had 5 guys inquiring on it. He then had the balls to try to sell me the back rest and luggage rack that were previously on the bike as well. I told him, "look dude. I'm not gonna buy the parts from you that were previously on the bike to begin with and should have come with it in the first place. I could buy a 79 special with all that stuff for $700 right now and you wanna charge me $250 for the accessories." I think he already dooped me on the sale of the bike when he told me he had lots of interest and said a guy offered him 1200 and it was listed for 1000. Pretty sure this guy is a scammer and pulls this with all of his sales. The kicker is that he told me the owner he bought it from (so he could resell it) had a box of stuff that went with the bike. He told me once he got the box, it was a bunch of plumbing stuff that had nothing to do with the bike, and yet, now he has all these accessories to sell for it. WHAT A CHUMBALONE!!! It's guys like that, that piss me off!
Not that the prices are fair, but C'mon. If it came with the bike and you got the stuff you said you would give me after, give it to me....don't try to sell it to me. ARGH! Anyways...she is almost back to rare form... Here is the latest pic with the new cover and crash bars.