So, here's the situation. I tried to convert my turn signals to LED bulbs on my bike, which I thought was an '80 Special, but turns out to be an '80 Standard with the lights and cluster from a '79 Special. The problem is that the '79 Special cluster has a single turn signal indicator, similar to that of the XS 650's and 400's. Because of the lower draw of the LED bulbs, the excess voltage usually used by the incandescent bulbs, is feeding back through the single signal indicator.

The solution,appears to be the installation of diodes, so that the excess voltage doesn't feedback through the single signal indicator. Apparently Mike's XS used to sell a kit specifically for this purpose.
The question, is where exactly in the wiring to put these diodes?
I traced the wiring through the cluster and inside the headlight and down to the chassis where I found a flasher relay, just below the fuse box, under the right side cover. This controls the blinking of the single signal indicator. I'm wondering if this might possibly be where those diode need to be. This is just a guess.
Thanks to Cy, and bikerphil for their help on this so far!
The solution,appears to be the installation of diodes, so that the excess voltage doesn't feedback through the single signal indicator. Apparently Mike's XS used to sell a kit specifically for this purpose.
The question, is where exactly in the wiring to put these diodes?
I traced the wiring through the cluster and inside the headlight and down to the chassis where I found a flasher relay, just below the fuse box, under the right side cover. This controls the blinking of the single signal indicator. I'm wondering if this might possibly be where those diode need to be. This is just a guess.
Thanks to Cy, and bikerphil for their help on this so far!