found problem
found problem with turn signal. ..socket was totaly corroded underneath. I saw the rust inside socket and cleaned it. What I failed to see and clean was the massive rust that was at the bottom of the socket when you push the bulb in. I had taken bulb out and cleaned and forgot about the spring action when bulb is set. Pushed in spring area, cleaned rust and ground straps and viola, works perfect.
Now, another problem. the turn signals are set up with dual filaments as running and signal lights. I understand this is not legal in PA. mUST THEY BE RED LNSES? If so, where can they be purchased> Thanks for the help.
found problem with turn signal. ..socket was totaly corroded underneath. I saw the rust inside socket and cleaned it. What I failed to see and clean was the massive rust that was at the bottom of the socket when you push the bulb in. I had taken bulb out and cleaned and forgot about the spring action when bulb is set. Pushed in spring area, cleaned rust and ground straps and viola, works perfect.
Now, another problem. the turn signals are set up with dual filaments as running and signal lights. I understand this is not legal in PA. mUST THEY BE RED LNSES? If so, where can they be purchased> Thanks for the help.