I have a bit of an update on the evapo rust stuff I was using. The tanks turned out real nice. I sloshed the stuff around and left it in the tanks for a few days. Rinsed them out well and everything stayed rust free while i was prepping for paint etc. None of the items I tried it on (in my other post about evapo rust) have changed at all from the final results. They are all still shiny and rust free.
I left the gas cap from my 81LH in the solution and unfortunetly forgot about it until yesterday. The gold color is gone as is the chrome and some of the rest of it. It does not pay to leave parts in it for about 5 months at a time
. Here are a couple of pics of the results of a long term soak. Not Recommended!
I left the gas cap from my 81LH in the solution and unfortunetly forgot about it until yesterday. The gold color is gone as is the chrome and some of the rest of it. It does not pay to leave parts in it for about 5 months at a time