ok so now that I've gotten my gears ground and put back on the shaft it was time to put it all back in the bike. this was the hardest part as many have said. But I've found a few things that might help out a bit. first is that it makes it really hard if you try and put the shift fork shaft in before the counter shaft, leave it out till you get your gears in. pop the clutch-side shift fork (stamped with a c on one side) up above the other gear shaft close to where it is supposed to go and also put in the middle shift fork. then when you go to put the counter shaft and gears in look at the clutch side of the shaft there should be a cir-clip holding on the last two gears if you slide that clip out towards the end of the shaft to give those last too gears some wiggle room that should help you to clear the top gears and the kick-start gear (if you have one) when you get it into the bearing on the clutch side tap on it gently till it's flush and that should set the cir-clip back in it's slot. at least that's how I got my gears in.
I hope that helps.
Thanks motoman for your tips and help now I can move on to tuning and other fun stuff. and thanks to everyone else on this forum you are an invaluable resource.
I hope that helps.
Thanks motoman for your tips and help now I can move on to tuning and other fun stuff. and thanks to everyone else on this forum you are an invaluable resource.