Bought a baskecase 1980 midnight special for 250.00.Spent the winter getting it together.After alot of work its now (in my opinion) a good looking bike.I replaced the rusted out pipes with a nice 4 into 2 chrome set.#1 and #4 go to the right and #2 and #3 go to the left.Took it out of the garage today and fired it up outside for the first time.I am getting a "POP" out of #2 and 3. #1 and 4 are glowing orange.I dont know about these bikes but I do know this cant be good.I did a search but couldnt find anything specificallly about this problem.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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#1 and #4 pipes glowing orange
If those spagetti pipes are glowing orange, better remove and ship them to me!...eeekk, what some will do to win what virgins are left!81H Venturer1100 "The Bentley" (on steroids) 97 Yamaha YZ250(age reducer) 92 Honda ST1100 "Twisty"(touring rocket) Age is relative to the number of seconds counted 'airing' out an 85ft. table-top.
That would be a sign of being very lean on those two cylinders.
Probably carb related.
Although one set of coils fires 1 and 4 and the other fires 2 and 3, but I doubt that is your problem since they obviously fire.
I would start by trying to adjust the idle air screws on 1 and 4 out, but I bet the problem is in the carbs. Like clogged jets or passages or low float levels.80 SG XS1100
14 Victory Cross Country
Take care of those pipes! If they are the Jardine spaghetti pipes, they are one of the more valuable sets of aftermarket pipes for these bikes.
Popping is usually due to fuel/air mixture screws. There is a tech tip about adjusting by ear vs using a colortune plug. Not sure on the glowing pipes though... They definitely shouldn't do that!1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford
Those two are way too lean. You need to adjust your carbs. Other threads will show the way. Do a search.
He said 4 to 2 and right to left, etc.. Did not see any mention of jardine spagetti pipes???'81 1100 MNS - "Midnight XSpress"
Original except:
120 mains outer cylinders - 125 mains inner cylinders - Ceramic headers - Powder coated pipes, covers calipers, and MC's
4 pods - Air box gutted--E3 Plugs - High Back seat - Grooved out swing arm - SS brake lines
Fork brace - 160 speedo - Auto CCT
All gold paint and chrome replaced with GOLD plate
"STUPID is Forever" Ron White.
Contact me by PM -I don't deal with stupid anymore.
Big John
in that case
Just step away from the bike and no one gets hurt!'81 1100 MNS - "Midnight XSpress"
Original except:
120 mains outer cylinders - 125 mains inner cylinders - Ceramic headers - Powder coated pipes, covers calipers, and MC's
4 pods - Air box gutted--E3 Plugs - High Back seat - Grooved out swing arm - SS brake lines
Fork brace - 160 speedo - Auto CCT
All gold paint and chrome replaced with GOLD plate
"STUPID is Forever" Ron White.
Contact me by PM -I don't deal with stupid anymore.
Big John
Took it out of the garage today and fired it up outside for the first time.I think I have a loose screw behind the handlebars.
'79 XS11 Standard, Jardine 4/1, Dyna DC1-1 Coils, 145 mains, 45 pilots, plastic floats - 25.7mm, XV920 fuel valves, inline fuel filters, speed bleeders, Mikes XS pods, spade-type fuse block, fork brace, progressive fork springs/shocks, manual petcocks, 750 FD, Venture cam chain tensioner, SS brake lines
WOW! That definitely doesn't sound good. What do your spark plugs look like? I don't know if a restriction in the pipe could cause that, but it might be worth checking as the problem seems isolated to one exhaust. Mice like to climb up and build nests in places like that. JATI think I have a loose screw behind the handlebars.
'79 XS11 Standard, Jardine 4/1, Dyna DC1-1 Coils, 145 mains, 45 pilots, plastic floats - 25.7mm, XV920 fuel valves, inline fuel filters, speed bleeders, Mikes XS pods, spade-type fuse block, fork brace, progressive fork springs/shocks, manual petcocks, 750 FD, Venture cam chain tensioner, SS brake lines
Wow sounds link a melt down is on its way if you let it run like that for very long.Like others said, take your plugs out and try to read the color, white is lean and would make the exhaust hotter than a rich condition (black plug). You should eat, sleep, breath in the carb maintenance section for a little while as I think you need to pull your carbs off and go through them again. GL
'79 XS11 F
Stock except K&N
'79 XS11 SF
Stock, no title.
'84 Chevy K-10 "Big Blue"
GM 350, Muncie SM465, NP208, GM 10 Bolt with 3.42gears turnin 31x10.5 Baja Claws
"What they do have is an implacable, unrelenting presence and movement that bespeaks massive power lurking behind paint and chrome. They don't wail like a screeching ninja, the don't rumble like a harley. They just growl like a spactic, stressed out badger waiting to rip your face off and eat your soul." Trainzz~RIP~
When I get home from work today I plan on pulling the plugs out and see what thay look like.I never did go thru th carbs.The bike fired right up so I figured they were OK.Obviously I was wrong about that.All my previous bikes were Triumphs so this is all a new experience for me.It seems Im gonna get alot of help from the people here so she should be straightened out and back on the road soon.Thanks to all
Originally posted by justjoe View PostWhen I get home from work today I plan on pulling the plugs out and see what thay look like. I never did go thru th carbs.The bike fired right up so I figured they were OK.Obviously I was wrong about that.All my previous bikes were Triumphs so this is all a new experience for me.It seems Im gonna get alot of help from the people here so she should be straightened out and back on the road soon.Thanks to all
There probably 8,467 carb threads here. So no lack of reading material.
Those pipes are likely going to want you to go up a main jet size, as long as you are in there.