Wouldnt your DMV have that info based on the serial numbers? Not sure how it works in your neck of the woods but over here our LTSA (Land Transport Safety Authority) maintains a motor vehicle register which is a complete history of previous and current owners. The only problem here is our privacy laws, Unless a PO gives his/her permission then LTSA cant release names, only dates and place sold. The can release the name of the original seller if it was a dealer or a company name, but not that of a private individual.
Doesnt help me though, mine was originally sold in the US and imported here when it was 5. The PO before me threw it away on a corner and wiped out the front, hence the 79 front end and metric speedo.
Doesnt help me though, mine was originally sold in the US and imported here when it was 5. The PO before me threw it away on a corner and wiped out the front, hence the 79 front end and metric speedo.