I am trying a product here that is supposed to remove rust quite well. I took some pics before and after 1 hour of soak time. First pic is the product. The three pics following it are the before pics. Then there is just a pic of how I soaked em. Then there are three after 1 hour pics. I have posted more than 1 pic of each to try to show the differences better, I hope they turn out well. I tried to use a variety of different types of metal, but I only had so many rusty parts. I was going to try for a pic every couple of hours, but my bed is calling so I will post more tomorrow. Should be close to 24 hrs by then. This product is supposed to work well in our gas tanks and on lots of different parts. Do a Google search on Evapo-rust and it comes right up (for more info). I am wondering how well it will do myself.

Damn I suck at taking pictures. I will try to get SWMBO to do them tomorrow

Damn I suck at taking pictures. I will try to get SWMBO to do them tomorrow