My 79SF has developed a strange problem in the past month. The bike starts and runs fine, but after taking off from my house, about 2 miles away, the bike will just die. I'll be going 40mph and it'll just shut off. After pulling to the side of the road, it is very difficult to start. There is a smell of unburnt exhaust gas I notice and it'll take about 3 minutes of cranking to get her to catch, and then everything is fine after that. Every electrical connection has been gone thru within the last year.
Things I've tried so far....
Swap out the TCI with a known good unit
Unhook the tip over switch
Check the connection at the ign. switch plug
Tightened all wires going to the coil
This one's got me baffled....
Things I've tried so far....
Swap out the TCI with a known good unit
Unhook the tip over switch
Check the connection at the ign. switch plug
Tightened all wires going to the coil
This one's got me baffled....
