I was having an issue with my bike (80'sg), and I think i've narrowed it down to the pick up. The bike starts up without a problem now but what is going on is its missing throughout the rpm range. she will run fine for a moment then "boggs down" where there is no response in throttle. After I pull in the clutch, it seems to clear up and ususally ends in two decent backfires (sounds like one each side). I'm thinking now after process of elimination, it might be the advanced. I've read on a previous thread that I should move the vacuum line to the #2 carb from the intake boot and I will do that.
all in all before I go on a further tanget is this. the wires on my ignition advance are quite old and I've tried to solder in some patch pieces but it keeps breaking right behind the joint. is there a way to rewire the and take out the old wire completely without removing the timing plate?
all in all before I go on a further tanget is this. the wires on my ignition advance are quite old and I've tried to solder in some patch pieces but it keeps breaking right behind the joint. is there a way to rewire the and take out the old wire completely without removing the timing plate?