Today I got off work early and decided that I should tackle a few things on the xs. I already had some of the bike apart to wire up my new gauges so I figured that I would put the new carb holders on. After fighting the airbox and carbs off the bike i figured it was smooth sailing from there. I was wrong The right two came off with no problems but the other two kicked my butt. I snapped two of the bolts one on each holder. I'm glad there wasnt any small children around so i drilled the bolt inserted exstracter and it broke off can it get any worse. after breaking my last drill bit i had to call it a day. after cooling off and putting tools away I look out side of the garage and came to a conclusion that my old dart has put a vodoo spell on the xs since I have been neglecting it and spending all my time tinkering on my bike. I added a pic of the stare down and one of my air filter. it looks like the origanal and something has lived there.