How many hairs just stood up on the back of most of your necks when you read this.. lol.
But seriously.. I read this in the manual...

Does that tire size for the front tire 3.50 H19-4PR mean a 4-ply radial or simply 4-ply RATING? Since the "R" is uniformely known in the tire world to stand for radial, would I be wrong in presumming this is what they meant? What about the obvious OMMISION of a "B" for bias tires?
We've all heard the theories about mixing radials and bias plies on a bike.. but we've also proven a lot of theories wrong on here. And what about both tires being radial? Does anyone have this experience with their bike.. and to what noticeable effect?
Please don't turn this into a discussion about a favored BRAND or MAKE of tire. I'm simply talking bias or radial type of any/all tires.