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carb cleaning help

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  • #16
    Mixing Parts:
    I have heard this several times and just wondered why?
    On some models, the emulsion tubes(and jets) differ between carbs 1+4 and carbs 2+3.
    "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


    • #17

      Now I get it. I do recall reading of that being the case on some models (some say it is so on the 81 special I have, but it was not the case for me.)
      Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

      When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

      81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
      80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

      Previously owned
      93 GSX600F
      80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
      81 XS1100 Special
      81 CB750 C
      80 CB750 C
      78 XS750


      • #18
        carb kits

        so i'm gonna need new gaskets, two emulsion tubes and possible one main jet, so i was looking at these kits. they come with everything i need, but wanted some opinions/ advice/ other options from the sages.
        79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.


        • #19
          Did the pilot jets come out ok? Which kit(s) are you looking at? Don't buy any K+L kits. K+L = problems.
          2H7 (79) owned since '89
          3H3 owned since '06

          "If it ain't broke, modify it"


          • #20
            sorry, forgot to post the link to the kits on ebay. they are
            Keyster kits, but i'm afraid of getting the wrong thing.

            two of the emul tubes came out clean, two didn't.but i'm pretty sure
            one of the bad ones was already fouled up.
            79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.


            • #21
              I am not nearly a sage, but, based upon what I just went through, I would say spend the little bit of money if you have it and get the new jets and components. From what I saw in those pictures, there is no way those jets would clean up like they should be in my opinion. To give you a comparison, here is my carbs when I opened them up. Yes I know the pictures are a bit fuzzy.

              This is when I pulled the float bowl

              After the floats and the main and pilot jets were removed, my pilots do not have a screw covering them

              What kit are you looking into? I got the K&L kits from Georgefix on ebay. All the parts fit up and work great.
              Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

              When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

              81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
              80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

              Previously owned
              93 GSX600F
              80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
              81 XS1100 Special
              81 CB750 C
              80 CB750 C
              78 XS750


              • #22
                Duke: Those Keyster carb kits do look like the right ones.
                DGxser: I'm glad you didn't have any problems with the K+L's. They've been known to cause problems.
                2H7 (79) owned since '89
                3H3 owned since '06

                "If it ain't broke, modify it"


                • #23
                  I read quite a bit about it on channel 11 searches Phil (After I already ordered mine and had them)

                  At first I was pretty apprehensive of the K&L kits, then I read Proms research. I think Prom hit it on the head from what I have read. There are different styles of jets and emulsion tubes. You have to know what you have and make sure you get those same ones. I made sure to check with George for my application before I ordered and he steered me to the right kits. I am still not sure what the difference is between an 81 special cab and an 80 special carb though. Clymers seems to think they are the same.
                  Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

                  When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

                  81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
                  80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

                  Previously owned
                  93 GSX600F
                  80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
                  81 XS1100 Special
                  81 CB750 C
                  80 CB750 C
                  78 XS750


                  • #24
                    pilot removal

                    so i don't have a screw driver small enough to reach the pilots, maybe i should say narrow enough. i'm probably gonna fabricate one unless anybody knows a shoe-in size that will work

                    also- dg, the tech tips on removing and cleaning carbs refer to the screw covering the main jet hole, so i was planning on replacing it until i saw your pic. makes me curious. i feel like i should replace it, but am interested in other opinions.

                    for reference, the tech tip i'm referring to is under maint, carbs, titled 'removing and cleaning your XS11 Carbs' and its about midway through paragraph
                    Last edited by theduke; 01-05-2009, 09:53 PM.
                    79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.


                    • #25
                      Before trying to remove those pilot jets, give 'em a good soaking with PB Blaster. Fabricate a screwdriver to fit that pilot jet perfectly 'cause the slot can get stripped out SUPER easy. You don't want that screwdriver to slip or you'll be in for worlds of fun gettin' that sucker out. Take your time! I would replace any jet that appears to be corroded because it will not produce an even spray of fuel. Jets are cheap.
                      2H7 (79) owned since '89
                      3H3 owned since '06

                      "If it ain't broke, modify it"


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by theduke View Post
                        so i don't have a screw driver small enough to reach the pilots, maybe i should say narrow enough. i'm probably gonna fabricate one unless anybody knows a shoe-in size that will work

                        I found that those orange handle screwdrivers with the interchangeable bits from Home Despot work. The small straight blade bit fits just so.



                        • #27

                          I think we posted at the same time before, I had not seen your warning about K&L. I think that I would have gone another way if I had heard the fuss (and knew they were K&L) just for the peace of mind. George custom packs those kits anyway. Mine had a 110 main jet in three of them and then a 110 and two 120's in the fourth.

                          Adam, like Phil said, take your time, let them soak in whatever you got for as long as you can stand to. As I previously stated, I stripped two of mine because I was using WD40 which does not work as well as blaster for a penetrating oil. I used blaster for 24 hour soak and one came right out, the other I had to use the extractor only because I had already stripped the slot out of it so badly. The mixture screw, well that was another story. as to the screw driver, I have an assortment of Craftsmans so I took a longer one of the smallest standards and filed the end down a bit so it fit the slots perfectly.

                          As to the screw you mentioned, as I stated, my carbs dont have that screw over the pilot jet opening due to changes in the carbs from 79 to 81. The ones on top of my mains are just that, the mains. That is what they should look like as you see in your kits. That is why TC thought someone put a screw in your mains. Do your main jets look like the ones pictured after you clean them up? They look awful rounded off in the picture.
                          Last edited by DGXSER; 01-06-2009, 06:23 AM.
                          Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

                          When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

                          81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
                          80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

                          Previously owned
                          93 GSX600F
                          80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
                          81 XS1100 Special
                          81 CB750 C
                          80 CB750 C
                          78 XS750


                          • #28
                            the mains are cleanin up real nice after about an hour and a half soak. they're not rounded, it was just the gunk built up on them. i'll post some update pics when i get the last set done today.

                            thanks for the heads up on the screwdriver, oseaghdha- home depot is less than a mile from my house- def worth the trip.
                            79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.


                            • #29
                              main jets

                              i know these are in the wrong tower, i just wanted to put them in a visible location. they cleaned up nicely.


                              now just to clean the bowls and replace the emulsion tubes.
                              79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.


                              • #30
                                Not sure what problems you are all talking about with the K&L kits. Of course I've only rebuilt one set of 4 carbs (once), but I had no problems at all with what I got. I ordered mine from Z1, and they seems to be the only source I have found that includes both jets, the idle screw and all the tiny little parts that can be replaced. All the other kits I have found are missing things (some don't even come with jets!). I know the kits are specific to certain years/models, but for $21, I have not found anything better.
                                1980 XS850SG - Sold
                                1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
                                Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
                                Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).

                                Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
                                -H. Ford

