Haven't touched it. I figure a couple more weeks, and the addiction will be broken, and I will never need a motorcycle again.
No announcement yet.
Help Find A Cure for Crazcnuk's bike?
No need for motorcyles anonymous then?
You oil situation still really bugs me. I know mine burns some too, I can certainly smell it but I'm not going through a litre per tank of fuel. And I've still gots lots of pull. It did smoke severely when I accidently refilled with 5W20 but stopped after next change back to 20W50
I would think, (that's my problem I've been told), that a litre per 200 km would definitely be noticable as smoke?Ernie
79XS1100SF (no longer naked, now a bagger)
(Improving with age, the bike that is)
Haven't touched it. I figure a couple more weeks, and the addiction will be broken, and I will never need a motorcycle again.
Then why are WE trying to help? Seems pretty pointless to me. Just let us know if you ever WANT some help.
TodTry your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!
Current bikes:
'06 Suzuki DR650
*'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
'82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
'82 XJ1100 Parts bike
'81 XS1100 Special
'81 YZ250
'80 XS850 Special
'80 XR100
*Crashed/Totalled, still own
Just adding to my previous post....
1 litre of oil per 200 km
10 litres of gas per 100/km (30 mpg)
mix would equal 20:1 ..wouldn't that be like running a rich two stroke?
Originally posted by Trbig
Then why are WE trying to help? Seems pretty pointless to me. Just let us know if you ever WANT some helpErnie
79XS1100SF (no longer naked, now a bagger)
(Improving with age, the bike that is)
Hi egsols,
I ran a T150V Trident for a long time, and through several engine builds. Worst oil consumption (which it reached several times!) was about a gallon (GALLON!) of oil in 240 miles......
At around 30mpg, that is eight pints of oil to eight gallons of fuel!.... with eight pints to a gallon.... it is an 8:1 fuel/oil ratio........
Biggest problem was at traffic lights. Sometimes had to wait through two changes before the smoke cleared enough to see what colour the light was.
Also got into the habit of ALWAYS riding at the back of the group; no-one would ever follow me!..... If they did, they gained waterproof leathers for ever, plus a strong smell of oil! LOL! LOL!
Bike is looong gone, but I still ride at the back.
AlanBIf it ain't broke, modify it!
Crazcnuk top end is toast. With all the money spent if you have another top end stick it on. Should solve the problem. You can't tune an engine that burns that much oil. I was pretty pissed when I bent a valve for the second time but I just got home from six days on it and I am glad that I stuck with it. That said you have done a great deal to that one and I sure won't blame you for using it at the next Harley rally as the bike you pay a couple of bucks to use the sledge hammer on.
I'm just scared to touch the stupid thing. The more I do to it, the worse it gets.
After almost bending a valve, for the 2nd time, I am pretty leary to go anywhere near it.
I would never actually destroy ANY vehicle that is in reasonable shape. At worst I might part it out, but that's too much like work.
I may just stuff it in the back 40 until someone thinks they can revive it. It can sit back there with the GT750.
AS for putting th other top end on it, I WAS rebuilding the original motor, but I am now leary of trying to do that. However, I have no rings (new) for the RC top end. I canuse the old ones, but I don't know how many miles are on them.
My old cylinder head has been out for a year and a half, waiting for the guy to get off his butt and redo it. He broke his smallest valve grinder guide on this head and has not been able to get a new one.Nice day, if it doesn't rain...
'05 ST1300
'83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade
Yep I was some bloody jumpy the second time. I musta looked at that damn cam chain sprocket a hundred times but it did work and I gotta say I fell in love with this old girl as soon as I laid eyes on her. I don't have any idea why I like her but she fits me like a GLOVE. It is not great on fuel even just putting through the hills I wasn't getting great mileage and I would like to fix that but if she burned oil that would be that. Didn't seem to use any that I could tell in 1500 kms. But there was no hard use in there. I think if I was honkin on her good it might be different. Good luck what ever you decide. If I was close I would sure give you a hand.http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1241/1480921818_241eade448_s.jpg
Hey Carl,
When I was rebuilding Godzilla 8 years ago, I bent a valve twice also, and the head wasn't even ON the engine!I didn't have the valve bucket shim tool, so I had the cams in the head, BOTH of them at the same time, and was rotating 1 of the cams to check clearances, just had it on the bench...soft wood... but after I rotated the intake cam...the clearance jumped to 1/4"!!
I removed that valve, replaced, put the head on, timed, etc., then did a static compression check just for grins....and found ZERO compression on a cylinder.Had to tear it down again, found the opposing valve of the one I had replaced had also gotten slightly bent....since it was sticking out some when I rotated the opposing cam earlier!
Have since learned you can't rotate one cam WHILE the other cam is still in the head without causing at least 1 valve to hit another that is sticking out from the other cam!
Got it back together, and have been riding it ever since, ~180psi across the board!
Hey Crazcnuk,
Can totally understand getting so fed up with working on it!
Did you say you had a spare engine? Or is it a whole other bike? I forget??Perhaps Ken Talbot would like a WINTER PROJECT!?
Do you have a trailer??
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Hey Crazcnuk,
I know the feeling of not wanting to do anything wrong. I got my 11SF over 3 years ago, and it sat for 2 1/2 years with the head off before I got the nerve up to try to put the top end together. I bent 3 valves in the process, 2 of them the same way TopCat did. Yes, I am that dumb. One question, when you had the valves out, was there a lot of carbon built up on the stems? I may be wrong, but that would be guides or seals. Someone also mentioned something about a seal leaking into the middle gear housing. If that much oil is going through the motor, it seems that the mufflers would have a thick layer of oily, black, carbon buildup. It has to be leaving some evidence of it's passing. If it were me I wuld try to solve only one problem at a time. Just my .02 worth.
K&N's and drilled airbox
Jardine 4in1
Dunlop Elite 3's
JBM slide diaphragms
142.5 main jets
45 pilot jets
T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
750/850 FD mod.
XV 920 Needle Mod.
Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
Venture Cam Chain Tensioner
I've never had the head off this one. I have the original motor apart in my tool shed.
Ken Talbot was nice enough, already, to donate a set of connecting rods for the project.
Since then I have accumulated Rod brngs, Main brngs, seals, gaskets, aftermarket clutch, RC barrels, pistons, etc.
I will have to buy another gasket set, though, because I have used some of the ones out of my kit.
I just have the spare motor, it's the original actually, I bought the one, in the bike now, so that I could use the bike while I rebuilt the original one.Nice day, if it doesn't rain...
'05 ST1300
'83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade
Ok, I took it out today and did a few things.
I put in Geezer's new R/R unit to help the charging system.
Checked the TCI box, seems to be ok, I am getting 10.85volts (off) and 6.38volts at the appropriate places.
I tested my coils. Primary bounces between 1.8 and 2.0 ohms, normal range is 13.5-16.5. I am also running resitor plugs with resistor caps, which problably makes it worse.
Thinking I should order a set of those Mikes XS ones, if they are 35,000v, that's twice what the stock ones are new, and should take care of any issues there.
Also, should I order a set of the non-resistor spark plug boots, as I can only get resistor plugs here (easily)?Nice day, if it doesn't rain...
'05 ST1300
'83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade
Craz - I run the Mikes XS coils with 7mm wires and NGK 5k ohm waterproof resistor caps and they work great. My brother has them on his 80G also. One thing about the Mikes XS coils - when you go to put the wires into the coils if you put a little WD40 on the ends of the wires before you put the little rubber donuts on the end (at the coils) it will make it a lot easier to get the tighten the coil caps, not to mention making it MUCH easier to get the donuts on. Tried it dry the first time and wound up breaking one of the caps. With WD I was able to tighten them all the way down with my fingers.Last edited by dbeardslee; 07-25-2008, 10:18 AM.I think I have a loose screw behind the handlebars.
'79 XS11 Standard, Jardine 4/1, Dyna DC1-1 Coils, 145 mains, 45 pilots, plastic floats - 25.7mm, XV920 fuel valves, inline fuel filters, speed bleeders, Mikes XS pods, spade-type fuse block, fork brace, progressive fork springs/shocks, manual petcocks, 750 FD, Venture cam chain tensioner, SS brake lines