Craz - Your mention of weak spark has me thinking a couple things. If you're still running the original coils, then you still have the original high tension wires, right? I know when I took my old coils off I bent the wires and they broke in two. They looked ok from the outside, but inside they were gone. If you don't want to buy new coils, there's a post on here somewhere about grafting new wires into old coils. I just threw mine away, and put the mikes xs coils on. They put out three or four times as much voltage as the stock coils, and also allow you to get rid of the ballast resistor if you've got one. Gotta open your plug gap up to .035" or so if you go that route.
The other thing is the pickup coil gap. I set mine to .56mm, and it helped. I guess the magnets loose some of their magnetism over time, so closing the gap a little will compensate. My 2 cents worth.
In the immortal words of Red Green (another crazy canuk), 'We're all pullin' for you'.
The other thing is the pickup coil gap. I set mine to .56mm, and it helped. I guess the magnets loose some of their magnetism over time, so closing the gap a little will compensate. My 2 cents worth.
In the immortal words of Red Green (another crazy canuk), 'We're all pullin' for you'.
