I recently did a carb cleaning and float sync an am waiting on a n idle set screw from another generous XS member (thanks again Dustin) from MO. I have read the post explaining how to build my owne carb sync tool and will probably do so. I was hoping to do it later than sooner. I'm wondering if anyone in Wayne, Westland or Ypsilanti MI would be willing to share a carb sync device and any wisdome with me. Please respond here or send private message to proctor1. Thanks D Proctor.
I recently did a carb cleaning and float sync an am waiting on a n idle set screw from another generous XS member (thanks again Dustin) from MO. I have read the post explaining how to build my owne carb sync tool and will probably do so. I was hoping to do it later than sooner. I'm wondering if anyone in Wayne, Westland or Ypsilanti MI would be willing to share a carb sync device and any wisdome with me. Please respond here or send private message to proctor1. Thanks D Proctor.