Thank you, my Leige
I think you're right, but as confused as I've sounded in the threads til now, I don't want to be wrong again.
I will get this bike running, one way or the other. It's becoming a matter of pride for me. Especially since I believe I have a sabotuer(sp)in my midst, knowingly or otherwise, and I will not be denied-Wow-was that me?-. I want this thing running by the end of the month and will see that it happens.
I can, and will, lap the head and get it put back on-without the help that is extended to me here at home. I have all I need to do this. The 79 head may add some juice due to the tighter clearances. Somehow, I may-no, will-have enough energy left tomorrow to check the valves on the 79 and go from there.
Luckily, before I tear it apart, I will be here to see what you think. Stick with me, you'll be impressed!
I think you're right, but as confused as I've sounded in the threads til now, I don't want to be wrong again.
I will get this bike running, one way or the other. It's becoming a matter of pride for me. Especially since I believe I have a sabotuer(sp)in my midst, knowingly or otherwise, and I will not be denied-Wow-was that me?-. I want this thing running by the end of the month and will see that it happens.
I can, and will, lap the head and get it put back on-without the help that is extended to me here at home. I have all I need to do this. The 79 head may add some juice due to the tighter clearances. Somehow, I may-no, will-have enough energy left tomorrow to check the valves on the 79 and go from there.
Luckily, before I tear it apart, I will be here to see what you think. Stick with me, you'll be impressed!
