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  • Help

    O.k. guy's I need your help got the starter installed changed the gas in the gas tank replaced the octopus,battery,solenoid,tci, changed the plugs. havent changed the fuseblock yet but will work on it.
    at first it only started with starter fluid figured out that one of my fuel lines was to long and kinked (i had replaced a couple of lines)
    took the tank of and fixed that issue now it started but I cant keep it running I did put some sea foam in the gas tank.

    I will work in the oil next but I have not been able to get it on the center stand and need to install the fuseblock got one of those sealed battery so I have power. Also tried to take the master cylynder apart but did not do to good I am thinking the little plastic thing on the pump may be off and the plastic end that i can see looks rotted.

    Once I get it running will need tires.

    ok I am not to mechanically inclined so all your help will be appreciated I am trying to stay away from the carbs for fear of messing them up more then they may already be.


    81 xs eleven special

  • #2
    You probably know this, but pull out the "choke lever" all the way, and give it no throttle as you crank it. If you cant get it to start, take off the bowls and spray out each starter jet in the bowls. Watch your eyes as the gumout will make a U-turn towards the opposite opening!
    Skids (Sid Hansen)

    Down to one 1978 E. Stock air box with K&N filter, 81H pipes and carbs, 8500 feet elevation.


    • #3
      I][originnaly posted by[/I] TONIO
      trying to stay away from the carbs.....
      did put some sea foam in the gas tank.....
      NOT a subsutute for cleaning carbs if they need it.
      If you've got a stock air box, geting carbs off and on and reinstalling the air box is the hardest part (not really hard but can take awhile the first time or two.

      [originnaly posted by[/I] skids
      If you cant get it to start, take off the bowls and spray out each starter jet in the bowls.
      That could be.............. interesting

      btw, think pulling and cleaning the carbs is ritual every XS/XJ deserves to go thru if its sat around for any length of time.


      • #4
        You can run, but you can't hide.

        Do the carbs.
        There is a world of info here on step by step.
        They aren't magic, its just parts.


        • #5

          I sent you an email at your job that's listed with your profile.


          • #6

            As per your handle...was wondering
            Are you a San Franciscan transplanted to Texas or...
            Are you a San Franciscan "suffering" in Teaxas?

            da wind don't blow in sucks


            • #7

              great I appreciate it sferin I have already responded.


              Tonio ][originnaly posted by[/I] TONIO
              trying to stay away from the carbs.....
              did put some sea foam in the gas tank.....

              Mro was hoping you didnt translate it like that, keep in mind the extent of my mechanical abilities I thought I was doing good.

              81 xs eleven special


              • #8
                >>>IF NEEDED<<<

                Remove seat, disconnect fuel/vac hoses, raise back of tank.
                (I place a piece of 2X4 under tank where bolt goes)
                Pull clutch cable from holder on right side of carbs
                Remove side covers
                Remove bottom of Air box
                3 bolts hold top of box
                (two on side near frame, one center rear, 10mm)
                loosen 4 hose clamps (air box/carbs)
                pull air box back from carbs (there's just enough space to get it out of way)
                Loosen 4 hose clamps on intake boots
                Pull off carbs
                remove throttle cable (10 mm wrench, same as air box bolts)
                Carbs are off

                Said just a little easier than done, getting em off is not a problem.
                First time getting the air box back on can be a challenge as theres not a lot of space to work with.

                Tech tips explane cleaning/adjusting very well.
                May be able to get away without total disasembly if float valve/seat not leaking.

                Spray carb cleaner thru all jets etc., adjust floats, set pilot screws to 1 1/2 turns out, bench synk and reinstall in reverse order of taking em off.

                Reguardless if carbs taken off or not will need to vac synk carbs.
                Will never run right even if all else is well.

                btw, you did good just getting an XS


                • #9
                  Re: SFerinTEXAS

                  Originally posted by mro
                  As per your handle...was wondering
                  Are you a San Franciscan transplanted to Texas or...
                  Are you a San Franciscan "suffering" in Teaxas?

                  da wind don't blow in sucks
                  The wind is from Oklahom sucking, oh so I'm told, and I'll bet his handle means SF (as in 79 Special) owner in Texas. He's an SFer, kinda like being a Pepper...


                  • #10
                    Oh Tonio,

                    You've had that replacement fuseblock for over 2 weeks and you haven't installed it yet??

                    Heck, I've had basket case sitting in my garage for over a year now, and have ONLY rebuilt the carbs...have acquired many needed parts, but just been busy...and since I have a working bike just haven't been too motivated!

                    As been said, don't be afraid of the carbs, but like you said, no start without stating fluid=no fuel getting thru the starter circuit, as well as possibly the pilot circuit which is needed to start and keep running/idling! If you can change spark plugs and fuel lines, then you have more than enough aptitude to work on the carbs, just attention to detail is what's important!

                    Hope SFerin' can give you a hand, if not a rope!
                    T. C. Gresham
                    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                    History shows again and again,
                    How nature points out the folly of men!


                    • #11
                      I'll bet his handle means

                      I've been in Texas a couple times..........
                      Can imagine a SFer "sferin" there

                      The wind is from Oklahom sucking
                      is Oklahom anywhere near Oklahoma?
                      If so would think it's most likely full a hot air. (doesn't Cody live there?)


                      • #12
                        fuse glock

                        TC Started to do the fuse block but been busy and have been trying to get it started with the little time i have, and to boot my starter on the 750 went out so i cant ride it either. hoping to hookup with sferin and get it running. can you guys tell me were I can buy the carburator kit and an aftermarket front master cylynder or a rebuild kit depending on the price?

                        Mro's instructions seem easy and i have been trying to read the other carburator post.

                        ok thanks for all you guy's guidance.

                        81 xs eleven special


                        • #13
                          Hey Tonio,

                          You can get both the front MC and the carb kits from
                 go to the YAMAHA section, then XS1100, and then you'll see sections for carbs, frame, etc. And for an order over $35.00, you get free shipping! Several folks have gotten this aftermarket MC and are very happy with it's performance!! The carb kits you want should be for the 80-81, will have bowl gasket, float needle and seat and rubber oring, you don't/shouldn't need new jets and such UNLESS you are modifying the intake/exhaust! IF so, then you may want to get the parts from MikesXS, they also sell the MC, carb kits, AND jets!

                          Sorry to hear about the 750, hope you get them running soon with SFerin's help!
                          T. C. Gresham
                          81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                          79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                          History shows again and again,
                          How nature points out the folly of men!


                          • #14
                            TONIO.. Sent you a reply to your office site. Couple of things I'll note . Do not order any parts before you know you need them. Most things can be cleaned and reused unless they are FUBAR. Also If you don"t have a repair manual , start looking . I have both the clymers and an old and well worn factory edition I will bring but cannot leave with you. Kind of like family bibles . Can't be 30 miles away from me if I need them. Also if you hav'nt already read the tips on buying an XS in the FAQ section here I sugest you review it because if I refer to it you should be familar with it as well. Will talk soon. Git in touch.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Sfering havent ordered nothing yet look forward to wrenching with you.

                              81 xs eleven special

