Before I would take and hotwire the bike I would try what I did. I used the small screwdriver on my leatherman and was able to turn the bike to on then I went to the locksmith. It worked out good you just don't want to force it when you try to turn the bike to on without the key. Good luck
No announcement yet.
Check out what this cat dragged home!
Great find ,
In Vermont we just need a bill od sale , can be a gum wrapper .
No tiltle after the vehicle gets a certain age , forget what that is...
Hope you can get it on the road !!
Bob1979 XS1100 SPECIAL (under 18,000 miles Sold 5/12/2016
1982 XJ1100 MAXIM(PARTS BIKE??)shows 14,000 miles ??? Up for sale whole or parts
I used to live in the UK and that's where Ihas my first XS that got me started on them. A guy had bought it and wnated to paint the frame, he thought if he took all the parts off and laid them on the floor of his garage in order then he could re-assemble the same way(Still makes me laugh thinking about that.) Then he moved in the middle of the strip down, I bought it as the bottom end still mounted (jugs and everything else off), wheels and brakes off - spent about 600 bucks rebuilding and rode it for 6 months. Then I screwed up!! I sold it!!
Point is - there was lots of stuff available for XS's in the UK and so far it seems that lots of stuff is available here to - the net and this forum really help with that though.Si Parker
'81 XS1100H
Tkat brace, new coils/wires/plugs, refurbed carbs (thanks 81 xsproject), recon'd top end, windshield (thanks dpotter58), resprayed tank and panels, 4-1 exhaust, sweet xs pod filters, in line fuel filters, progressive springs, thick hand grips, jumped headlight relay.
Originally posted by mro
One thing is the same, they all make you pay.
I'm not really too much worried about no key. I've got a spare ignition lock/switch from the XJ that is just sitting in a bin. The title really shouldn't be that difficult using a title service...IF the story of it being abandoned in an apartment storage unit is true. The biggest problem is cash. I blew my "motorcycle project" money to pick this one up. I originally intended to part it and bought it sight unseen.
It would be nice to get it running and on the road, but I now need to make that money back to finish the other stuff I'm working on rather than taking on another whole project! My wife is patient...but I'm not sure she's THAT patient!!
I listed it for sale whole here locally and I'll see what happens.
Anyone near the Twin Cities, MN area want to take a look?
I'm going to see if I can mess with it tomorrow afternoon, I think. The ignition switch is ghot right now. Someone may have "persuaded" it with a screwdriver. I'll try that first, otherwise it's tome to hotwire...sorry, no signature--illiterate!!
Us models in UK
While we have you on line Tom just curious about XS's in the UK do you ever see North American models over there? I guess the quickest way to I/D one would be the aluminum engine.....just curious.
Sorry I'm late with this
Yep as AlanB says there are a lot of US model XS11's over here. In the UK register/club there are a lot of lads with them.
1982 5K7 Sport, restored to original from a wreck
1978 2H9 (E), my original XS11, mostly original
1980 2H9 monoshocked (avatar pic)
1982 XJ1100, waiting resto to original