Will all the electrical parts off a 79 xs11 special fit on a 80 xs11 special ?
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electrical parts
One differerance is the right hand control on 79' has light switch, 80 and above head light comes on after start.
There are a few other differences too, but right now just got home from being the menaceand can't think of them
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Click on 'Part Finding' then 'Donor Bike Parts', this lets you pick a donor XS11 model and a recipient model and will show you all the parts on a microfiche that have the same part number.
If the part numbers match you can be sure they will interchange.Brian
XS1100 LG "Mr T", SG "ICBM" & FJ1200
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Be not stingy in what costs nothing as courtesy, counsel and countenance.
My 79 Special doesn't have this "light switch". Could this be a Euro model thing?United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
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"What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
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