whoooooaaaaahhhh man!
Whoah, what a ride! Got it all back together, started right up with the choke, which means I did SOMETHING right.
(oh, btw, I realized that my idle screws were like 5 turns out!!
So I turned them gently in, and then 1 and 3/4 turns out.)
SO, it started up, and after a minute or so on the choke it idled fine on its own, so I took it for a ride.
Low/mid end bogs down a bit, guess I'll have to pull my needles again and raise them a notch.
HOWEVER. at 3500 RPM it's like the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive finally kicked in.
HOOOLLLEEEEE CRAP! I think my ARMS are a few inches longer!
At least I've found the right jetting setting for the top end... once I reset that needle, everything else should be hunkey dorey.
....unless you guys think my idle screws could be to blame for the lack of low end power? I'm not so sure, because it sounds great at idle, but pops a little at 3k telling me it's lean there?
Am I on the right track you think?
Whoah, what a ride! Got it all back together, started right up with the choke, which means I did SOMETHING right.
(oh, btw, I realized that my idle screws were like 5 turns out!!

SO, it started up, and after a minute or so on the choke it idled fine on its own, so I took it for a ride.
Low/mid end bogs down a bit, guess I'll have to pull my needles again and raise them a notch.
HOWEVER. at 3500 RPM it's like the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive finally kicked in.
HOOOLLLEEEEE CRAP! I think my ARMS are a few inches longer!
At least I've found the right jetting setting for the top end... once I reset that needle, everything else should be hunkey dorey.
....unless you guys think my idle screws could be to blame for the lack of low end power? I'm not so sure, because it sounds great at idle, but pops a little at 3k telling me it's lean there?
Am I on the right track you think?