So this wasn't much of a distance trip, but still had a blast regardless!
Last year I got invited to go camping with a few buddies up near Heber, AZ for a weekend around the beginning of November from Friday to Sunday. Unfortunately I couldn't get time off for some reason or another so I left right after work at 6pm and didn't get to the camp site until 9pm. From Phoenix to Heber its about 150miles(I kept missing the service road...). At the time I had a 1983 Honda Magna v45, a cute little thing that ran like crap soon as I reached +5000ft in elevation it and under 30degrees... it kinda just sputtered at anything over 5k rpm. Made it there and back without killing me, so that's always nice.
So this year, we ended up camping near the same spot near Heber and I took the XS11 out there just to see how differently it would behave compared to the Magna. It's also nice to have her strech her legs out every once and a while... from home to work its only 4 miles.
She did great from Phoenix to Payson, I got about 34mpg.
I filled up in Payson and went to our camping spot, we spent Friday and Saturday night there and I took off on Sunday afternoon.
When I got back into Payson I filled up one more time and got 37mpg.
and back down from Payson to Phoenix, I got 37mpg again.
I was actually impressed she didn't give me any lip in the high elevation or the cold.
It ended up being 340miles in total with all the extra driving around.
I'm finally back home, just washed the layers of dirt and smoke off my face from the camp fire. It'll be nice to sleep on a bed.
Anyhoo... Picture Time!

ALL BIKES is in Rye, AZ, just 10miles south of Payson. A lot of the inventory got destroyed in fire started by this place last Summer.
It was a "Salvage Yard" but the owner overpriced anything and yelled at you if you even lay a finger to examine a bike... It was more of a rotting museum than anything. Kinda sad to see a bunch of old jap motos go up in flame.

Last year I got invited to go camping with a few buddies up near Heber, AZ for a weekend around the beginning of November from Friday to Sunday. Unfortunately I couldn't get time off for some reason or another so I left right after work at 6pm and didn't get to the camp site until 9pm. From Phoenix to Heber its about 150miles(I kept missing the service road...). At the time I had a 1983 Honda Magna v45, a cute little thing that ran like crap soon as I reached +5000ft in elevation it and under 30degrees... it kinda just sputtered at anything over 5k rpm. Made it there and back without killing me, so that's always nice.
So this year, we ended up camping near the same spot near Heber and I took the XS11 out there just to see how differently it would behave compared to the Magna. It's also nice to have her strech her legs out every once and a while... from home to work its only 4 miles.
She did great from Phoenix to Payson, I got about 34mpg.
I filled up in Payson and went to our camping spot, we spent Friday and Saturday night there and I took off on Sunday afternoon.
When I got back into Payson I filled up one more time and got 37mpg.
and back down from Payson to Phoenix, I got 37mpg again.
I was actually impressed she didn't give me any lip in the high elevation or the cold.
It ended up being 340miles in total with all the extra driving around.
I'm finally back home, just washed the layers of dirt and smoke off my face from the camp fire. It'll be nice to sleep on a bed.
Anyhoo... Picture Time!

ALL BIKES is in Rye, AZ, just 10miles south of Payson. A lot of the inventory got destroyed in fire started by this place last Summer.
It was a "Salvage Yard" but the owner overpriced anything and yelled at you if you even lay a finger to examine a bike... It was more of a rotting museum than anything. Kinda sad to see a bunch of old jap motos go up in flame.
