Met up this AM with jetmechmarty for a short ride today in the mountains of North Georgia. Sunny and hot but humidity was not too bad -and- the mountain roads are always great. Today was momentous because this was the first real ride on my project 11E. You can see there is still a lot of cosmetic type of work to do, but after "running the heck" out of this 11E for 225 miles today I can no longer call it a project bike. It just runs and shifts and starts and carves up twisty curves like any fine machine. Hot starts no problem and don't even get any backfire or pop on decel down a mountain. After fill-up ran 144 miles and it took 3.9 gal for almost 37mpg. 37 even with 6,000 rpm run up part of the way on grooved concrete on the freeway ain't bad. Traxxion Dynamics setup on the forks is A+ with results way beyond my expectations for a 34 year old bike. (In fact, passed a few Hardly (moving) $25K+ plus bikes and gave a friendly wave with my right hand as I decelerated by them. Stupid I know, but I always think that is funny!
Jetmech has his bike dialed in really well. Looks great and runs great. His recent maintenance efforts should yield many miles of happy motoring. As for the 11E, it now Runs, but still got work on the side covers, luggage, fairing, seat. You will note the Duc Tape, Custom Georgia DOT approved Mesh Chicken Wire sealed beam retainer, Dangling overflows etc.
BS n' Rest Stop in Dawsonville

Nice Bikes, and the gas pumps ain't half bad either

Rest Stop at Lake Burton on GA197 which is a great twisty road. -and- Yes I do have the T.C. Fuse Box I need to install ......

What a transformation from this unsafe mess of Neglect, Repair attempts & Rusted parts:

Jetmech has his bike dialed in really well. Looks great and runs great. His recent maintenance efforts should yield many miles of happy motoring. As for the 11E, it now Runs, but still got work on the side covers, luggage, fairing, seat. You will note the Duc Tape, Custom Georgia DOT approved Mesh Chicken Wire sealed beam retainer, Dangling overflows etc.
BS n' Rest Stop in Dawsonville

Nice Bikes, and the gas pumps ain't half bad either

Rest Stop at Lake Burton on GA197 which is a great twisty road. -and- Yes I do have the T.C. Fuse Box I need to install ......

What a transformation from this unsafe mess of Neglect, Repair attempts & Rusted parts:
