Well we all ride around the corner and around the next bend dreaming of long vacations and lazy care free days but with each bill we pay makes it imposible....soo lets take a ride around my house and make the best of what I have......I like Ohio...have been around a bit but this IS HOME. So who am I...

As I ride my 1100 around these local roads the bike wants to keep going but I have to keep it in tow:-( I work as most of you schleps do to get by..but I am living the American dream.
Well I make my first stop at a new local park on the Great Miami River,ball fields,hiking,canoers glide past,great place..

Before you get into the park there is a monument to Fort Dunlap..

In the same area is an old cemetary who lived and founded this place I call home.....

We do have one other thing around here... lots of corn..:-)

Just up the road is and old spring which the horses would stop at and have a drink as they climbed the hill

Just up the road from the house is this winery..

So ya don't have to go far sometimes to have a good ride and see things.......will finish report later..hope ya liked it so far.

As I ride my 1100 around these local roads the bike wants to keep going but I have to keep it in tow:-( I work as most of you schleps do to get by..but I am living the American dream.
Well I make my first stop at a new local park on the Great Miami River,ball fields,hiking,canoers glide past,great place..

Before you get into the park there is a monument to Fort Dunlap..

In the same area is an old cemetary who lived and founded this place I call home.....

We do have one other thing around here... lots of corn..:-)

Just up the road is and old spring which the horses would stop at and have a drink as they climbed the hill

Just up the road from the house is this winery..

So ya don't have to go far sometimes to have a good ride and see things.......will finish report later..hope ya liked it so far.