XS11 Friends,
My helmet, an HJC modular is about 6-years old and that's pretty much the recommended limit before a replacement is due.
A few weeks ago I went to the dealer and purchased an LS2 helmet. I prefer the modular style and this helmet seemed to have it all for a very reasonable price (on sale for about $150, normally about $175?). Built-in retractable sun visor, chin cover, BRIGHT yellow for visibility, and the new style bayonet retaining strap.
Unfortunately, at the dealer you try it on, it feels nice and firm (unlike my old HJC) and it seems like a great deal. Wasn't on the bike so took a couple days before the first ride.
There is $150 out the window! I'll never wear it again!
Gonna save my pennies and get a high-quality Bell or Shoei.
Ya get what ya pay for... saved some $$$ and got garbage.
In my STRONG personal opinion, avoid LS2 Modular Helmets.... Complete trash.
My helmet, an HJC modular is about 6-years old and that's pretty much the recommended limit before a replacement is due.
A few weeks ago I went to the dealer and purchased an LS2 helmet. I prefer the modular style and this helmet seemed to have it all for a very reasonable price (on sale for about $150, normally about $175?). Built-in retractable sun visor, chin cover, BRIGHT yellow for visibility, and the new style bayonet retaining strap.
Unfortunately, at the dealer you try it on, it feels nice and firm (unlike my old HJC) and it seems like a great deal. Wasn't on the bike so took a couple days before the first ride.
- OMG this thing is so loud inside at anything above 30MPH it's like they TRIED to make this thing noisy. Heck, it might have been quieter with one of those 1/2 moon jobs!
- The button to open the modular is IMPOSSSIBLE to open with the chin panel installed so I pulled that the heck off just to open the darn thing. The button also sticks bad.
- The modular "Locks" like poo and ya have to grab both sides to get it to snap shut and lock.
- The bayonet fitting looks cool but is very uncomfortable and just try to find that tiny release pull with your driving gloves on!
- A close examination of the modular chin piece shows absolutely the cheapest design and fabrication I've seen (didn't look that close at the dealer).
There is $150 out the window! I'll never wear it again!
Gonna save my pennies and get a high-quality Bell or Shoei.
Ya get what ya pay for... saved some $$$ and got garbage.
In my STRONG personal opinion, avoid LS2 Modular Helmets.... Complete trash.