I went to the bike shop yesterday with Mrs Snippets. The intention was to purchase a new helmet for her.
Open face 3/4 helmet, size XS, or one size smaller than small.
Not much to look at or consider. A Bell in the correct size but made of plastic.
A good Shoie in fiberglass, wrong size high price.
The helmet will have to have a Snell approval, my suggested price around $200-, any suggestions and or reviews.
Uncle Crusty
Open face 3/4 helmet, size XS, or one size smaller than small.
Not much to look at or consider. A Bell in the correct size but made of plastic.
A good Shoie in fiberglass, wrong size high price.
The helmet will have to have a Snell approval, my suggested price around $200-, any suggestions and or reviews.
Uncle Crusty