I always loved this bike. Its been sitting in my shed for over 30 years. It slowly fell out of use after I got my XS 1100 in 1986. (The XS still runs great, by the way).
The last time I used the 350, it ran great. Was machiniclly sound and still kicked-butt on the road. But now it needs a lot of clean-up and TLC. Some creature made a nest in the battery compartment, and a ground hog ate most of my seat!
The engine might be frozen as the kick starter no longer moves the cylinders and I DO NOT want to force it. I removed the spark plugs and poured in some Miracle Mystery Oil, but it is not budging. I didn't want to remove the heads, but I may have to if I really want this to run. I am no machinic, but I am hoping I can work on this two-stroke; a little at a time. Wish me luck!
The last time I used the 350, it ran great. Was machiniclly sound and still kicked-butt on the road. But now it needs a lot of clean-up and TLC. Some creature made a nest in the battery compartment, and a ground hog ate most of my seat!
The engine might be frozen as the kick starter no longer moves the cylinders and I DO NOT want to force it. I removed the spark plugs and poured in some Miracle Mystery Oil, but it is not budging. I didn't want to remove the heads, but I may have to if I really want this to run. I am no machinic, but I am hoping I can work on this two-stroke; a little at a time. Wish me luck!