This might be the wrong forum to show off this bike in but I just sold one of my XS11s (the black '78) and went out and bought this bad boy. Got it for a steal and I've never owned a sport bike before. Don't worry I still have the '79 that's just about complete so I'm still relevant here .
I was born in '92 and I grew up with FZRs all over the road since they were so popular at the time. I told myself one day I would own one and that day is finally here. She needs some good old lovin' but should have her up to date on the maintenance by the spring.
You can see the '79 trying to poke into the frame.
I was born in '92 and I grew up with FZRs all over the road since they were so popular at the time. I told myself one day I would own one and that day is finally here. She needs some good old lovin' but should have her up to date on the maintenance by the spring.
You can see the '79 trying to poke into the frame.