I emailed you from your webpage asking about your Trikenest 1100. I am still in the planning stages of the conversion on this second bike. So far the only differential I have found in the 3.25 range is from the 65 & 66 Mustang.... I am still looking, but salvage yards don't have any more info than the web does on what diff is geared to what ratio. Still looking though.... I am still working out the details on mounting the differential and rear end in general. Just wanted to let you know I was inspired by yours and am going to build one (eventually...). This second bike is in 2 buckets, 3 boxes and misc peices... so I don't feel too bad about converting it to a trike.
Anybody out there know of any diff's available in the US that will work, please let me know....
I emailed you from your webpage asking about your Trikenest 1100. I am still in the planning stages of the conversion on this second bike. So far the only differential I have found in the 3.25 range is from the 65 & 66 Mustang.... I am still looking, but salvage yards don't have any more info than the web does on what diff is geared to what ratio. Still looking though.... I am still working out the details on mounting the differential and rear end in general. Just wanted to let you know I was inspired by yours and am going to build one (eventually...). This second bike is in 2 buckets, 3 boxes and misc peices... so I don't feel too bad about converting it to a trike.
Anybody out there know of any diff's available in the US that will work, please let me know....